- Where Insurance & Technology Meet

Tomorrow’s FNOL Has Arrived Early

by Stephen Applebaum and Alan Demers — As digitization, mobility and connected vehicle technologies transform auto insurance, a better FNOL solution is now critical – and it’s here. Claims are frequently cited as “the moment of truth,” and FNOL (First Notice of Loss) is where all claims begin. Now, new technology through an innovative industry… Read more »

Embedded Insurance: A New Route To Growth And Value

By Simon Torrance, Founder, Embedded Finance & Super App Strategies, and Chris McMahon, Senior Marketing Manager, EIS — The rapid emergence of new digital technologies, consumers’ heightened expectations for more personalized service, and a new and growing wave of more complex risks have put pressure on insurance companies to enhance their products and find new… Read more »

Personal Lines Distribution: From “Agents First” to “Agents Last”?

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Let me begin by saying I am a big fan of agents, and I believe they will play a vital role in personal lines distribution for a long time to come. Clearly, direct distribution models in personal lines, and the prominent companies that feature… Read more »

Insurance Vendors’ Competition for Talent Heats Up

New SMA Blog by Karen Furtado, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Talent has been a front-and-center topic in boardrooms across the U.S. amid the pandemic, widespread resignations, a labor shortage, and other trends challenging the recruitment and retention of employees. Yet, through the adversity, companies across the insurance ecosystem have adapted remarkably well, including the… Read more »

How Personal Lines Insurers are Addressing Digital Transformation Gaps

New SMA Blog by Deb Smallwood, CEO & President, Strategy Meets Action — The personal lines segment is known for leading the charge with innovations and technologies – a reputation that only strengthened during the pandemic. From digital underwriting submissions and virtual inspections to digital FNOL and other capabilities, personal line insurers were poised to… Read more »

Digital Transformation in Commercial Lines: A Frenzy of New Activity is Underway

New SMA Blog by Deb Smallwood, CEO & President, Strategy Meets Action — Since 2020, there have been endless discussions around COVID-19’s impact on customers’ needs and how the insurance industry adapted swiftly to unprecedented times. Although the pandemic helped accelerate innovation in some areas of the business, many commercial lines insurers also came to… Read more »

Preventing Employee Burnout in Insurance: A Virtual Conversation with Jennifer Moss

By Mitja Alexander Linss, Senior Director – Marketing, ProNavigator — Is employee well-being on your organization’s radar? It better be. According to a 2021 APA survey, nearly three in five employees or 59% of workers experienced negative impacts of work-related stress. Forbes estimates that ignoring workplace well-being and mental health costs America $193.3 billion in… Read more »

From Policy-Driven to Customer-Centric Approach in the Insurance Industry

By Sebastien Forget, CEO, Solutions Metrix — Policy-Driven vs Customer-Centric Benefits of Adopting a Customer-Centric Approach Shift to a Customer-Centric Approach with CRM Benefits of a CRM-Based Policy Purchase Process The Future of CRM in Insurance Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and the insurance industry is no exception. Many insurers are turning to… Read more »

What are Insurers’ Top Talent Objectives in the Post-Pandemic Era?

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — The pandemic has altered life in so many ways over the past two years. And one change that will likely stick around for years to come is the new workforce dynamic. The competition to attract top talent is as fierce as ever as industries… Read more »

Winds Of Change: Emerging Weather Science Supercharges A New Generation Of Risk & Insurance Solutions

by Stephen Applebaum and Alan Demers — Mark Twain is credited with saying that “everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” That’s no longer true. Well before the climate change debate focused the world on meteorological threats, insurance companies were well aware of the risks associated with extreme weather events. What… Read more »

Digital Transformation Acceleration Relies on Core Systems

New SMA Blog by Karen Furtado, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — In today’s digital-first environment, insurance companies absolutely need state-of-the-art systems to support every aspect of their businesses. These core systems that support policy, billing, and claims functions have been foundational to the digital transformation of insurers and MGAs for years and continue to accelerate… Read more »

Six Ways Employee Benefits Brokerages & Advisors Can Grow Their Business

by Cindy Danielson, Simply Benefits — Employee benefits brokerages and advisors that want to beat their competition and grow their block of business can implement some or all of these simple but affordable marketing tactics to grow their client-base and revenue. When I was a Benefits Advisor years ago, I learned first-hand about the ‘eat… Read more »

“Want Cyber Insurance With That?”

By Greg Boutin, CEO, Relay Platform — This month, Relay Platform is delighted to share that our growth rate is accelerating to unprecedented levels as we establish ourselves as the preferred cyber insurance quoting solution for wholesale and retail brokers. Every single month since October 2021, we saw 60% and 75% growth in the number… Read more »

Build More Customer Trust and Profitability with Responsible AI Governance

by Antoine de Langlois, Data Scientist & Responsible AI Lead, Zelros — With the wide adoption of AI, insurers are starting to pay attention to a new form of governance called “Responsible AI” – the governance practices associated with the regulated data side of their business. For most insurance organizations, it involves removing any unintentional… Read more »

Insuring Connected Homes: Will Matter Matter?

By Donald Light, Director, North America Property & Casualty Practice, Celent — Insuring connected homes has three pretty good value propositions: The insurance industry can show policyholders and society as a whole, that it does more than collect premiums and pay claims A connected home may have fewer or less severe losses — i.e. impacting… Read more »

2022 Channel Strategies: P&C Agencies are Ready to Break from the Status Quo

New SMA Blog by Heather Turner, Lead Research Analyst, Strategy Meets Action — The distribution landscape is evolving, and retail agencies and brokers are rethinking their channel partner strategies just as carriers and others across the distribution landscape do the same. Although carriers will always remain underwriting partners, more agencies are exploring new channel partners… Read more »

The InsurTech Revolution: Don’t Get Left Behind

Submitted by Finaeo — The pandemic has accelerated changes in healthcare and created an InsurTech revolution. InsurTech companies broke records on the largest number of deals and funding in 2020. InsurTech companies raised more than $2.5 billion through 104 deals during the third quarter, according to a Willis Towers Watson report. This equates to a… Read more »

P&C Personal Lines Insurers: Viewing Key Strategic Initiatives Through A New Lens

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Personal lines insurers are no stranger to widespread digital transformation and innovation, having been at the forefront of these changes for the past decade. When the pandemic hit in 2020, personal lines insurers responded in different ways. Some stayed the course with their existing… Read more »

The Great Reset: The Impact of Technology, Consolidation and the Pandemic on Auto Claims and Collision Repair

by Stephen Applebaum and Vincent Romans — While technology enabled disruption of the automotive ecosystem was already well underway prior to 2020, the global pandemic caused even greater disruption and many of the changes have and will continue to impact every corner of society and industry well into the future. We have identified deceleration in… Read more »

Five Tips To Help Choose Your Next Best Offer (NBO) Solution

by Johana Moreno, Product Manager, Zelros — Have you experienced buying something that is not well adapted to your situation, with costly plans and options that you can not benefit from? To avoid deceiving their customers with this type of experience, brands need to adapt their offering and messaging to each personal situation. Rather than… Read more »

How are P&C Commercial Insurers Progressing with Their Strategic Initiatives in 2022?

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — When the pandemic hit in 2020, many property and casualty commercial insurers had to pause, stabilize, and reprioritize their digital transformation plans amid lower business volumes, economic lockdowns, and an uncertain financial environment. But that all changed in 2021 as commercial insurers pressed the… Read more »

Nine Disability Management Services to Help Employees Return to Work

by Cindy Danielson, Simply Benefits — So you’re an employer that learns an employee (let’s call her Emily) is going off work due to an injury or illness. Research says that prolonged absence from one’s normal roles, including absence from the workplace, is detrimental to an employee’s mental, physical, and social well-being. Check out these… Read more »

Four steps for improving insurance policyholder customer experience

by Andi Dominguez, Global Product Marketing Principal, Quadient — Heightened competition, increased consumer expectations and declining customer loyalty are hurdles that many insurers are facing today. More than ever, companies are turning to personalized customer experiences to differentiate themselves and compete in challenging markets. Organizations engaging in personalized communications are seeing great results across the… Read more »

Five Predictions for Property & Casualty Insurance

New SMA Blog by Deb Smallwood & Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — The insurance industry faced a sobering wake-up call when the pandemic exposed just how unprepared insurers’ digital capabilities were in a crisis. But, in the past two years – particularly in 2021 – the industry has accelerated its digital development, making… Read more »

Progress and Pause: Transformational Tech is Changing in Personal Lines

New SMA Blog by Heather Turner, Lead Research Analyst, Strategy Meets Action — Policyholders faced innumerable challenges within the past two years, resulting in unprecedented changes to their consumer behavior. Personal lines insurers responded swiftly to meet insureds’ new and evolving needs. They went all-in on digital self-servicing capabilities for customers, agents, and employees, but… Read more »

Does your CCM solution have enough horsepower?

by Andrea Haughton, Content Marketing Manager – CXM, Quadient — Not all CCM projects are simple. In fact, most aren’t. Fragmented content platforms, legacy systems, departmental silos, and increasingly distributed workforces are all working against late stage or piecemeal adopters of modern CCM technologies. Businesses need to create and distribute compliant, personalized digital communications in real-time… Read more »

Barriers to Insurance Innovation and New Year’s Resolutions to Overcome Them

by Alan P. Demers and Stephen E. Applebaum — It’s that time once again when predictions about the insurance industry’s outlook for 2022 come rolling in like waves. They are interesting to those of us in the industry and may provoke discussion and healthy debate or even serve as a call-to-action for others, even though… Read more »

Commercial Insurers Are Shifting Their Transformational Tech Priorities

New SMA Blog by Heather Turner, Lead Research Analyst, Strategy Meets Action — It is difficult to imagine where digital business operations would be today if it weren’t for the catalyst that is the pandemic. For nearly two years, businesses across industries, and especially within insurance, accelerated digital transformation plans to adapt to remote access… Read more »

Four Principles to Guide Your Digital Transformation

By Greg Satell, Andrea Kates, and Todd McLees — Digital transformation is not just about technology. Success involves far more than simply procuring competent vendors and doing some user training. These initiatives can no longer be left solely at the feet of technology leaders and IT staff, but must involve a diverse set of ecosystem… Read more »

Techniques Insurance Companies Need to Master for their Future

By Pierre Gagné, President, Insurance Frameworks Inc. — This is the first of three short articles on what Insurance and Wealth Management companies need to master to face the future. This first short article covers the strategic aspects related to the industry. I do not need to tell you that the financial industry has never… Read more »

Are MGAs’ Digital Capabilities Ready for the Distribution Revolution?

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — It would not be an understatement to say that Managing General Agent (MGA) and Managing General Underwriter (MGU) business has exploded in the past five years. Today, MGAs and their MGU cousins account for approximately $60 billion in premium flow, up from $25 billion… Read more »

Why Automation in P&C Creates the Need for More Human Experts

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — The P&C industry has been on an automation path for many years. When the pandemic hit, it became a catalyst for accelerating automation and digital transformation. Straight-through processing, self-service portals, virtual inspections, and digital payments are just a few of the areas that insurers… Read more »

Best Practices for Creating an Insurance Quoting API

The ultimate guide for carriers, MGA-MGUs and their partners — By Greg Boutin, CEO, Relay Platform — The insurance and reinsurance industry is re-shaping and re-tooling at a record pace. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has opened up for brokers, agents, and underwriters to close the digital divide and secure a key competitive advantage for years to… Read more »

Building Advanced Digital Solutions with Standardized APIs

Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) — What if brokers could serve their clients much faster, easier and more efficiently? It is entirely possible. CSIO and its Innovation and Emerging Technology (INNOTECH) Advisory Committee are working to advance digital experiences for brokers and their clients by moving information faster — with policy data available… Read more »

InsurTech is Real and Important – Not “Just Hype” 

by Stephen Applebaum — At ITC 2021 in Las Vegas, during an on-stage conversation with Munich Re board member Lisa Pollina, Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg commented that InsurTech promises of transformation are “just hype.”  With that, Greenberg put a spotlight on a debate that has been percolating since the term “InsurTech” was first coined around… Read more »

How UBI (Almost) Turned Me Into A Dangerous Driver

New SMA Blog by Deanna Breading, Guest Author — I’m a senior citizen. My now-grown kids used to chide me for hardly ever reaching the speed limit even before my hair turned gray and the wrinkles stopped disappearing when my smile faded. So, my pedal-to-the-metal foot had gone into storage long before usage-based insurance (UBI)… Read more »

InsureTech Connect 2021: It’s all about the people

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Participating in ITC2021 was a blast! It was great to see so many people in person for the first time in a couple of years. But aside from the joy everyone was experiencing in just being together, there was a very serious undercurrent to… Read more »

The P&C Claims Adjuster Role is Dead; Long Live the Claims Adjuster!

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Decades ago, a refrain began that predicted the death of the insurance agent. The Internet was going to cut out the middleman! Disintermediation would result in the demise of the traditional insurance agent! But here we are – years later – and distribution intermediaries… Read more »

The Complex Auto Claim Process: Tamed by Technology and Collaboration

Reflections on the recent webcast, “DISRUPTION: Technologies Transforming the Industry,” by Stephen Applebaum — Last week we debuted our “Connected Insurance” webcast series with “DISRUPTION: Technologies Transforming the Industry”.  I had the pleasure of serving as host and moderator and by all accounts the session was extremely well received. Our underlying theme for the session… Read more »

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Personal Lines Distribution: Digital Capabilities Continue to Evolve and Expand

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Within the insurance industry, the personal lines sector has frequently been the pioneer in building and enhancing digital capabilities. With increasing demands from both policyholders and distribution partners for digital solutions, technology innovation was and remains imperative to both staying relevant and increasing market… Read more »

Mid/Large Commercial Distribution: Digital Capabilities on the Rise

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — Traditionally, success in the middle-market and large commercial segments relied on deep expertise regarding customer risks and deep relationships with a network of distributors with access to those markets. Those capabilities are still fundamental to success, but lately, the carriers’ digital capabilities have become… Read more »

The Distribution Technology Journey for Small Commercial: Are We There Yet?

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — How far along are commercial lines carriers in delivering digital solutions to their agents and other distribution partners? Answering that question depends on whether you are a glass half-empty or glass half-full type of person. The pessimist might say: Despite huge investments in technology… Read more »

Video Marketing Best Practices & Trends in 2021

By Robyn Croll, VP – Customer Insights, Goose Digital — One of the most exciting and effective trends in digital marketing is the use of video. Regardless of if your end customer is a broker, a business leader or a homeowner, video has the power to engage and deliver content. And customers want more –… Read more »

A first look at the EU’s Artificial Intelligence proposal

By Martino Scheepens, Customer Success Manager, FRISS — While powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are already present in our day to day lives, AI is still in its relative infancy. According to PWC research, it could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy in 2030, and it is no surprise that regulation is… Read more »

Tomorrow’s Insurance is Connected

By Stephen Applebaum and Alan Demers — Insurance is, at its core, five things; underwriting and pricing risk, selling and distribution, claims adjudication, servicing and finally, investment management.  Of course, there are hundreds of other skills and important areas of the business but these are the five central pillars of any insurance company. Technologies are… Read more »

Personal Lines Insurers Tech Plans and the Pandemic: Significant Reshaping and Acceleration

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — The traditionally stable P&C personal lines insurance industry has been shaken up due to the pandemic. Insurers have been used to adjusting to economic swings and catastrophes that affect volumes and financials. Those kinds of adjustments are business as usual for the industry. But… Read more »

Technology is Transforming the Insurance Industry

By Maeliss Usher, Digital Marketing Coordinator, Finaeo — As an industry, insurance has been transformed by the digital revolution. Modern technology is reshaping the current and future state of insurance functionalities. Operations have been streamlined, customer interactions have taken place on chat, claims can be automatically processed, and brokers can compile information more efficiently as… Read more »

The Pulse Quickens for Commercial Lines Tech: A Post-Pandemic View

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — The past 18 months have been interesting (to say the least) for anyone involved in technology strategy, planning, or implementation. Ideally, a roadmap with prioritized projects and defined resource allocations directs the activity, and the company stays relatively true to its path. Unfortunately, the… Read more »

Relay Facilitates $3Bn in limits in Commercial Lines

By Greg Boutin, CEO, Relay Platform — Relay makes progress; thanks to the team! Relay is growing faster than it ever has, and we were already growing fast! We have now facilitated over 412 placements and close to $3 billions in coverage limits in both insurance and reinsurance. That’s almost triple the 1.25 billions we… Read more »

Personal Lines Channel Plans: It’s Complicated

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — When most insurance industry observers think of the channel strategies for personal lines, the picture appears to be fairly simple. More of the business is moving to direct distribution approaches, whether that is through call centers or the web. Furthermore, there is a clear… Read more »