Global Cyber-Attacks Doubled From 2020 To 2024: QBE
QBE Canada Rolls Out Revamped Cyber Offering
Learn How to be Cybersmart
Threat actors exploit cybersecurity gaps from M&A, software consolidation to maximize damage & profit, Resilience finds
Inscora Announces $2M in Funding to Help Brokers Supercharge their Cyber Insurance Practice
Is instant quoting the future of cyber insurance and broker-carrier relations?
Resilience Doubles Cyber Insurance Limits to $20 Million Through Partnership with Lloyd’s Insurance Facility
Customers Seek AI-led Comprehensive Security Expertise for Threat Detection and Vulnerability Management: OpenText Cybersecurity MSP/MSSP Survey
Allianz Partners launches allyz Cyber Care, aimed at protecting customers against cyber threats
Cyber insurtech BOXX partners with Zurich Insurance Group in Switzerland to introduce breakthrough personal cyber product
CFC partners with online quoting platform Tarmika
Majority of Cyber Insurance Claims Originate in the Email Inbox: Coalition
A Beginner’s Guide to Cyber Insurance & Risk Management
Victor Insurance launches Victor Cyber solution
Coalition Announces New Integrations with Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Amazon Web Services
HSB Introduces Cyber Insurance for Autos
Coalition Adds New Affirmative ArtificiaI Intelligence Endorsement to Cyber Insurance Policies
Coalition Enters Long-Term Capacity Agreement with Aspen
Relay Unveils Latest AI Setting New Benchmarks in Cyber Insurance Workflow Optimization
WTW launches new primary cyber and tech E&O facility with increased limits for international clients
WTW launches tailored cyber insurance solution for small and medium-sized enterprises
Shopping for cyber coverage? Buyer beware
Protecting society from an unprecedented cyberattack will require more than insurance: Geneva Association
North American cyber insurance market to grow by more than USD 24 billion by 2027
Mosaic builds out five specialty lines of business across Canada
How Do You Adjust To Cyber Risk?
A Beginner’s Guide to Cyber Insurance & Risk Management
Ridge Canada Cyber Solutions Inc. Officially Expands Technology Errors & Omissions
BOXX Insurance Recognized as One of the Most Promising InsurTech Companies Globally
Zurich adds cyber insurance offering for middle market businesses
Howden predicts global cyber insurance premiums could exceed $50 billion USD by 2030
Coalition Launches Active Cyber Insurance in Quebec
Chubb Introduces Innovative Quoting Platform for Cyber and Professional Liability Insurance
PwC Canadian Cyber Threat Intelligence Report
The Risks of Smart Devices in Your Home
Gartner Identifies Four Myths Obscuring Cybersecurity’s Full Value
BOXX Insurance Launches Personal Cyber Insurance on its USA platform
At-Bay Introduces World’s First InsurSec Solution to Address Growing Cybercrime Rates among U.S. Small Businesses
Active Cyber Risk Modeling: A New Approach To Aggregate Risk
Relay Adds Business Owner Policies to Its Cyber and Management Liability Quoting Platform
Coalition Demonstrates Cyber is Insurable with New Method for Modeling Aggregate Cyber Risk
Relay Using A.I. to Help Brokers Explain Cyber Insurance to Clients
Why now is the time Cyber Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) has the momentum to succeed
Coalition Launches Coalition Insurance Company
Beazley launches market’s first cyber catastrophe bond
Forward Insurance Managers launch Cyber Risk Insurance product
Ridge Canada Cyber Solutions and Agilicus Partner to Help Organisations Qualify and Obtain Cyber Insurance
Cyber Insurance: Strengthening Resilience For The Digital Transformation
BOXX Insurance acquires cyber threat intelligence company
2022 Advisen-Zurich survey illuminates growing cybersecurity concerns