The 2024 Technology Forum will be held at the St. James Cathedral Centre in downtown Toronto.
St. James Cathedral Centre
65 Church St.
Toronto, ON
M5C 2E9
Maps, Directions & Contact:
- For directions, transit and parking, see the centre’s own directions;
- Try Google Maps to browse the area full-screen with more features.
- Tel: (416) 364-2354 ext. 304
We have made arrangements with the Holiday Inn Express, conveniently located close to the Executive Forum venue, for a block of rooms at a discounted group rate. Book your stay by January 15th below to take advantage of this special rate.
Our recommended alternative is the nearby Omni King Edward Hotel.
Holiday Inn Express Toronto Downtown
The Holiday Inn Express is the nearest hotel.
- Click here to book online
- Call 1-877-660-8550 to place a reservation by phone.
- Front desk: (416) 367-5555
111 Lombard Street
Toronto, ON
M5C 2T9
- View on Google Maps
Omni King Edward Hotel
In the opposite direction, but a similar distance away, is the Omni King Edward Hotel, Toronto’s "first luxury hotel" – built in 1903 and updated for the 21st century.
- Click here to book your room online
- Call (416) 863-9700 to place a reservation by phone.
- Concierge: (416) 863-4110
37 King Street East
Toronto, ON
M5C 1E9
See you at ICTF2024
Join us February 27th at the St. James Cathedral Centre.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this event.