2024 Executive Forum

8th annual Insurance-Canada.ca Executive Forum

ICEF2024: “Winning With Innovation”

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at the St. James Cathedral Centre

Save the date: Google / MS Outlook

Winning With Innovation

Innovation is rewriting the insurance playbook at an increasing pace, for individuals and businesses alike, propelled by successive waves of new offerings in computing, communications and data.

At a higher level, the race is on in areas from cloud, APIs and data analysis/analytics to the rock star of the current moment, GenAI.

Insurance Innovations Take Advantage

Longtime insurance products are being enhanced with new digital features, bringing new growth to embedded, on-demand and parametric insurance.

From industry-specific digital ecosystems, the value equation of cross-industry connections is bringing enhanced benefits to multiple industries, including insurance.

Innovations Fuel Trends

Explore the key topics and trends, learn from the speakers how innovations are creating new value and enhancing service to insurance consumers, both personal and commercial.

Look ahead to see how leaders may leverage three macro trends:

  • Increasing personalization,
  • Precision underwriting, and
  • Predict (detect) and Prevent

... all to meet consumers’ needs and satisfy their expectations.

ICEF2024: “Winning with Innovation” will bring together industry thought leaders and pioneers who are taking advantage of new models and platforms.

Explore the evolving insurance horizon, learn from examples of recent innovations and discussions about what's unfolding and assess your status and plans.

Hear from industry thought leaders, including:

Top Trends for Insurance in 2024 and Beyond

Denise Garth
SVP - Strategic Marketing

Denise Garth

We are in a time of disruption, with customer needs changing fast. Some insurance leaders are aggressively responding. But others are responding slowly or not at all. Getting out ahead of the curve is more important than ever. Leadership matters. Speed matters. Learn more.

Climate Change and the Urgency of Resilience

Kathryn Bakos
Director of Resilience
Intact Climate Centre

Kathryn Bakos

Intensifying extreme weather events bring escalating financial costs. The need for adaptation is urgent; find out how Canada's insurance industry is uniquely positioned to help. Learn more.

Top Trends for Insurance in 2024 and Beyond

Denise Garth
Chief Strategy Officer

Denise Garth

Insurance businesses – insurers, MGAs, brokers – must move beyond a legacy mindset (“this is how insurance is done”) to one that recognizes the world has shifted. Companies that prioritize innovation and agility are widening the gap over less capable competitors by delivering new products, entering new markets, and establishing new revenue streams. Meanwhile the laggards struggle to make headway with incremental improvements. Insurers need to double down on investing in a new business model and technology to ensure the right formula for profitable growth. Learn more.

Managing Construction Risk With IoT

Alex Fuentes
EVP - Strategic Growth

Alex Fuentes

Brickeye deploys construction IoT and data analytics technology to help insureds (owners/developers, general contractors) and insurance brokers de-risk high-rise and institutional building projects. A technology-enabled water mitigation plan is developed before placing Builders Risk and Wrap Up Liability policies. Learn more.

Schedule & Location

8:30am - 6:00pm, Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
Registration and continental breakfast open at 7:45am.
The day will conclude with a networking reception 4:30-6:00pm.

St. James Cathedral Centre
65 Church St., Toronto, ON

Photos from ICEF2018 Photos from ICEF2018 Photos from ICEF2018

Who Should Attend?

This event will provide significant insights for:

  • Insurance executives developing and assessing plans, short term and strategic;
  • Insurance leaders with innovation as part of their role;
  • Those intrigued by the future of our insurance business.


Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this event.