Home Insurance Checklist

Following are some questions to ask your insurance provider before you purchase or renew your insurance:

  • What kind of homeowners policy do I have, and who/what is covered under it?
  • How do I know if I am adequately insured?
  • What is not covered in my homeowners policy? (These are called “exclusions.”)
  • Do I have replacement cost? Guaranteed replacement cost?
  • What are the limitations on valuables, like jewellery, silverware, and computers?
  • What does my policy cover me for in terms of water damage?
  • What optional coverages should I consider?
  • What is my deductible? How much money can I save on my premium by choosing a higher deductible?
  • What safety features can I install that will help me save money and increase my protection?
  • Does the company offer 24-hour claims service?

When you have a claim...

  • Am I covered? For how much? (If not, why not? Show me where in the policy it explains that.)
  • Is there a deductible? How much?
  • Can I get assistance right now to make temporary repairs? How do I go about arranging the repairs?
  • What do I need to do to file my claim as soon as possible?
  • How long will it take to settle my claim?

Please note, these questions are intended as a helpful guideline only, and are not meant to be exhaustive.