2024 Technology Forum

ICTF2024: “Becoming My Customer”

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at the St. James Cathedral Centre

Follow on Twitter: #ICTF2024

Becoming my customer; Stepping into their shoes

Knowing your customer and the risks you are helping them address is an essential element of improving all aspects of insurance, from marketing, underwriting, servicing and monitoring through to claims settlement.

Enabled by rapid innovation of technology and driven by consumer expectations, the competitive insurance business is stepping up its game.

Understanding your customer is more critical than ever as the industry moves more rapidly from a “repair and replace” philosophy toward a “predict and prevent” mindset.

Learn from expert speakers who will discuss issues, successes and opportunities in the industry, and how “Becoming my customer; stepping into their shoes” is key to the success of your business.

Industry thought leadership

How A.I. Will Transform Insurance

Martina Conlon
Datos Insights

Martina Conlon

Generative AI is poised to enable substantial innovation and change in insurance. Learn more.

Understanding Your Customer

Alex Watson
IBM Consulting

Alex Watson

The consumer landscape continues to evolve. What does the Canadian customer look like? Learn more.

Innovation Strategies to Accelerate Transformation

Sagar Gill

Sagar Gill

Symcor and TD Insurance discuss the innovation mindset behind their success story and share valuable strategies. Learn more.

How Embedded Insurance Enables Customer-Centricity

Renee Walkom

Renee Walkom

Maximize technological innovation while ensuring customer needs remain at the forefront with embedded insurance. Learn more.

Innovation in Commercial Lines

Andrea Bucek
Northbridge Insurance

Andrea Bucek

This panel discussion will feature industry innovators Fuse Insurance, Quotey, and Northbridge Insurance. Learn more.

Claims Adjustment & Generative AI

Michelle Nokes

Michelle Nokes

The transformative impact of technology on claims adjusting processes. Learn more.

Innovation at Work

Selected ICTA nominees will note their achievement in an "Innovation Minute" presentation

The winners of the 2024 Insurance-Canada.ca Technology Awards will be announced at the end of the day.

Photos from ICEF2019 Photos from ICEF2019 Photos from ICEF2019

Schedule & Location

8:30am - 5:00pm, Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
Registration and continental breakfast open at 7:45am.
The afternoon program includes the Insurance-Canada.ca Technology Awards (ICTA) ceremony.
The day will conclude a networking reception roughly 4:00-5:00pm.

St. James Cathedral Centre
65 Church St., Toronto, ON

Who Should Attend?

This event will provide insights and value to:

  • Insurance carriers, technology suppliers, ancillary service providers, and anyone else in the insurance/InsurTech sphere;
  • Those with an innovative mindset looking ahead and seeking out new ideas;
  • Businesses searching for “how to” suggestions, advice, and success stories;
  • Staff seeking out industry trends, directions, and opportunities.


Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this event.