The challenge from Randy Carroll, CEO of the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario, was simple: “We want the brokers to see the BMS vendors’ best products for the present and their plans for the future. Tell them to bring their A-Games.” With the active cooperation of Randy and his team at IBAO, we think we’ve met the challenge. Now it’s your turn.
Before the BMS vendors start answering. we’d like to know: What do you want to hear from the vendors?
The call went out, and leading vendors responded …
IBAO agreed to structure head-to-head presentations from the vendors. contacted the leading BMS suppliers in Ontario, and three answered:
- Applied Systems
- Custom Software Solutions
- Keal Technology
Day 1 – Inquiring minds want to know…
Day one (March 17th) will address key issues. Each of these BMS organizations are sending a senior executive to talk to the following: “The core of a broker’s business is embedded within the BMS. As brokers address the challenges today and tomorrow, is the broker’s BMS in synch with their needs?”
Rick Orr, past-president of IBAO will then convene a panel of the vendors to answer two critical questions: “Are the Real Challenges Being Addressed?” and “How do We Get There?”
Day 2 – The Deeper Dive …
Day two will allow the three BMS vendors to take deeper dives into specific elements of core systems that they see as critical to broker success. In addition, other suppliers of solutions in broker connectivity (Brovada), data utilization (OPTA), and Electronic Signatures (Silanis) will discuss technology that complements the core systems.
To provide third party balance to the sessions, we have leading analysts and consultants (Celent, SMA, Accenture, MARCON, Pathway Partners, Navicom) participating in the Broker Technology Stream.
To ensure that theory meets reality, we also have leading brokers actively involved in many of the sessions, including Ives Insurance Brokers, Orr and Associates, Beyond Insurance Brokers, Mass Insurance Brokers, Josslin Insurance Brokers, Hoffman Brown, and Erb & Erb.
Carriers too will be participating. Supporters and speakers for the #ICTC2014 include TD Insurance, Unica Insurance, The Guarantee, Intact Insurance, Economical Insurance, Aviva, and Travelers Canada.
Now, it’s up to you… What are your questions?
Between the IBAO and, we think we’ve put together an agenda to address Randy’s challenge. And, knowing the vendors, we think everyone is bringing their A-games to #ICTC2014 next week.
(Just an aside, the broker stream is about 25% of the total conference. You can see the full detail at the Agenda-at-a-Glance.)
So it’s up to you. We hope you can attend (brokers can still enjoy their special registration fee on-line). Regardless, we’d like to give your questions to the BMS vendors to consider in advance.
Leave your comments below and we’ll make sure they get addressed.
Having just attended a conference on big data, I’d be interested to see how data, both big and small, is being leveraged to create better customer experiences, and also what tools or tactics can be used to deploy solutions faster in a legacy environment – particularly how this data can be used to empower brokers.