A/B Testing in Digital Marketing – What it is & why you need to (Part 2): A/B Testing Offsite Campaigns
A/B Testing in Digital Marketing – What it is & why you need to (Part 1): A/B Testing For Your Website
Digital Divide: A Tale of Two Insurance Models
On Digital Marketing, Transformation, and OREOs
Who is Driving the Digital Customer Experience?
Are You Asking Your Customers to Wait 2½ days for an Auto Quote?
Balancing Digital & Personal Communications: Twitterus Vobiscum?
Are Commercial Lines Buyers Ready to Go On-Line?
Is Gen Y Dead? Marketing in a Post-Generational World
How Do Consumers Want To Be Served? Do We Know, or Think We Know?
Tales From Agent Social Media: The More I See You, The More I Want You
Are On-Line Quotation Services Moving Beyond Price?
Regulation and Consumer Satisfaction: A Tale of Two E-Commerce-in-Insurance Reports
Occupy On-line Distribution; Mobile for the 99%
Success On-Line is ‘Blurry’ for Channels
Developing Social Media Strategies: Learning to Rake Leaves During A Windstorm
Insurance Use of Social Media in Canada
Social Media Insurance Strategies – A Tale of Two Insurers
Doing Social Business Right: Being Effective and Compliant
On-line Marketing Options for Insurance
When Demographics are Not Enough: A View of On-line Evolution
Brokers and Social Media – Is the Breakthrough Coming?
Corporate Culture and Social Media
Websites or Agents? Why Not Both!
The Message from ACORD 2011: Overload is Just the Beginning
Pioneers in Social Media and Insurance
Data: Where Marketing and IT Meet
Insurer On-line Marketing Opportunities High, Use Low – Accenture