Gomez Introduces Industry-First On-Demand QA Solutions for Web 2.0 Applications

New Reality XF applications ensure quality web experiences through design, development and testing

SAN MATEO, Calif., April 17, 2007 — Gomez Inc., the leading provider of on-demand web application experience management solutions, today announced the industry’s first on-demand QA (quality assurance) applications at the Software Test & Performance Conference (STPCon) Spring 2007, the industry’s premier software testing, QA and performance management event. New Gomez® On-Demand QA Solutions help web development organizations reduce design cycles, perform true production-based testing for new web applications, and ultimately increase the quality of the user experience. The Reality XF solutions allow for simple and cost-effective testing of web applications prior to deployment, across any browser, operating system, geography or connection type.

These newest on-demand solutions expand the Gomez ExperienceFirst™ platform, eliminating up-front license fees and protracted implementation periods of traditional QA and proprietary test solutions. Gomez On-Demand QA Solutions leverage open source frameworks and are delivered in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, enabling web development operations of all sizes to benefit from them.

Gomez On-Demand QA Solutions address the challenges posed by today’s web applications, which increasingly depend on aggregating third-party functionality at the point of delivery — the browser. The implementation of new client-side delivery tools like Ajax and the proliferation of alternative browsers have given rise to a host of variables — including operating system, geography and connection speed — that can affect the performance of an application.

“The proliferation of browser and operating system platforms, accompanied by the explosion in web-based applications, is driving the need for enhanced quality assurance tools,” said Daniel Golding, Vice President and Research Director of Tier1 Research. “Web application developers need the tools to perform complex QA tasks in parallel across multiple browser/OS platforms and ensure a high level of application performance before release.”

The Solutions

The initial Gomez On-Demand QA Solutions, which are part of the Gomez ExperienceFirst platform, include three new applications: Reality Load XF, Reality Check XF and Reality View XF.

Reality Load XF is the industry’s only solution that lets users load-test applications under real-world peak loads using real devices connected to the Internet. Unlike traditional load-testing solutions which either test against simulated behind-the-firewall or limited outside-the-firewall environments, Reality Load XF leverages more than 14,000 “last mile” measurement locations on the Gomez ExperienceFirst Network to deliver tests that realistically emulate the profile and load characteristics of a customer’s actual production user base.

“How do you test your web site under a production load in an authentic environment prior to releasing it to customers?” asked George Kurtas, Publishing Systems Manager, Philadelphia Newspapers LLC. “With Reality Load XF, you can do it in a single click. This and the other new On-Demand QA Solutions reflect the fact that a quality web experience starts long before applications are deployed.”

Reality Check XF is the first solution for cross-browser functional QA testing of Ajax-enabled applications. Reality Check XF allows users to load scripts of business transactions recorded using the leading open source web-testing framework, Selenium. Once loaded into the system, these scripts can be played back manually or on a scheduled basis against the desired combination of browsers and operating systems. In addition to providing a pass/fail determination of the web application’s functionality, the product captures screen shots and movies of each test. This unique capability enables developers to see precisely how an end user would experience the application, which is critical for Ajax-enabled and other Web 2.0 type applications.

Reality View XF allows a web developer to profile the visual performance of a web page across multiple browsers using a single-click test. It supports the most heavily used browsers, including IE6, IE7, Firefox 2.0, Opera 9 and Safari at multiple screen resolutions; and the major operating systems, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and Mac OS X. Reality View XF provides detailed, actionable information on how each browser renders the page, enabling the developer to optimize its performance for end users.


Gomez On-Demand QA Solutions will be available for general release in the U.S. as a separate set of services in the second quarter of 2007 from http://www.realityqa.com. Rollout to Europe is planned later in the year.

Gomez has produced a podcast providing more information about its new On-Demand QA Solutions, which can be accessed at http://www.gomez.com/podcasts/Gomez On-Demand QA Solutions.mp3.

About Gomez

Gomez is the leading provider of web application experience management solutions. Used by more than 750 companies worldwide, including eight of the top 10 most visited sites, six of the top 10 retailers, nine of the top 10 financial services firms, five of the top 10 social networking companies, and four of the top 10 industrial companies, Gomez’s services, delivered in a software as a service (SaaS) subscription model, help companies ensure superior online experiences that satisfy customers, enhance brands and drive profits. Founded in 1997, Gomez provides the industry’s only complete solution for managing web application experience from development through deployment and the entire application life cycle, featuring active monitoring, competitive benchmarking, and more than 12,000 data sources worldwide. Gomez is Network Computing magazine’s “Editor’s Choice” for best Internet performance monitoring service. For more information, please visit www.gomez.com or de.gomez.com for information in German.

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