InsurTech Spotlight: Instant Risk Coverage Inc.

Instant Risk Coverage

Company: Instant Risk Coverage Inc.


Business Category: An insurance practitioner (insurer, MGA, broker, agent)

Maturity Status: Mature (more than 3 years since product went into production)

Products & Services:

  • Insurance to support venue facilities and their users
  • Affiliate User Programs
  • General Event Insurance
  • Cancellation Insurance
  • Non Appearance Insurance
  • Hole-in-One Insurance

Area: General Liability, Property & Casualty Insurance – serving all provinces in Canada except Quebec

Instant Risk Coverage (IRC) is a digital insurance provider with on-demand solutions built to support the needs of venues, professionals and their clients. While still allowing Insurance Brokers to own their relationship with their clients, IRC does the heavy lifting of quoting, issuing policies, and processing claims. This allows us to provide insurance in minutes with no calls, no emails, and no more waits.

What makes us an InsurTech:

On average, it takes a consumer 72 business hours to get an insurance policy in place, assuming it meets all the requirements on the first try. IRC reduces this time down to 5 minutes and ensures that the insurance being provided is compliant with the clients’ requirements.

Long gone are the days of incorrect policies derailing the insurance process.

Major features & technology used:

IRC has created and fully owns this user-friendly platform. No more being held hostage by third party system updates, or payment processing fees. IRC makes every online system meet your clients’ needs with unheard of turn around.

  • On-Demand Quotes, Purchasing, and Claims Processing – IRC platform allows users to quote, purchase, and submit documents directly to venues or associations they work with. Users always create an account with IRC, so the insurance being provided is always compliant.
  • Customer Interaction is always important at IRC, but there is no one customers trust more with their insurance than their insurance broker. This is why all of IRCs solutions are white labeled, so they can be broker branded. IRC platform includes 24/7 support via phone, email or even chat bot.
  • Pay-Per-Use Insurance is now feasible with online platforms, lowering the barrier to entry and providing greater flexibility to consumers.

On-Demand Webinar

About IRC

IRC is an Insurance Technology company focused on empowering consumers to have short, meaningful interaction with the insurance process. There is no reason we shouldn’t accelerate the insurance process and save consumers money, all while allowing our Broker partners to focus on what’s important; their relationship with their clients. For more information, visit

Source: Instant Risk Coverage Inc.

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