Policy Works revamps structure to focus on growth

Calgary, AB (Apr. 4, 2018) – Policy Works Inc. is pleased to announce an internal reorganization that aligns the company’s structure with its strategic vision. To drive growth, two divisions have been created under the reorganization: one focused on the broker channel and one on strategic partnerships.

“Our vision is to continue creating a connected broker distribution network,” states John Eastly, president of Policy Works Inc. “We believe in using a best-of-breed approach, and that means partnering with vendors, insurers and other industry providers to deliver the right tools to help commercial brokers succeed. Establishing an internal division focused on partners recognizes the importance of this stakeholder group to our network and ensures the right work will be done to help our customers succeed.”

In the new structure, Susanna Fraser-Kuipers takes on the role of Director, Partner Services, with the responsibility for managing the delivery of services relating to all third-party partners. Susanna brings a wealth of experience to this role, as a former commercial lines broker and leader of Policy Works’ implementation process.

Andrew Ting takes on the role of Director, Partner Products, and is responsible for managing the development and maintenance of products for third-party partners in the PWI network. Over the last 10 years, Andrew has lead the insurer data exchange initiatives at Policy Works, including Intact, Aviva, Economical, SGI, RSA, L’Unique General Insurance, and Gore Mutual.

Nancy Franchini, Director, Broker Services, is responsible for managing the delivery of services to all of Policy Works Inc’s broker customers. With over 20 years of industry experience, Nancy’s understands intimately the needs of commercial-lines brokerages.

Lorin McCaffrey, Director, Broker Products, is responsible for managing the development and maintenance of products for brokers. With over 20 years of experience at Policy Works, Lorin’s industry and product knowledge position him well to lead broker product development.

With the accelerating introduction of new and diverse insurtech solutions, commercial brokers are looking for ways to integrate diverse solutions into their workflows. This operational organization better positions Policy Works Inc to provide those solutions to brokers.

About Policy Works

Policy Works is the industry’s leading platform for commercial-lines business. Building on its vision for linking brokers and insurers to better serve insureds, the company provides a platform where all stakeholders can come together to leverage each other’s strengths. Policy Works believes in the value of the broker distribution channel and is working to ensure it stays vibrant in a changing marketplace.

SOURCE: Policy Works

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