Smart thinking builds an adaptive industry

Personal interaction remains a key to success! What is your role in the triangle of insurer / consumer / broker or agent?�And what can it be in the future?�To examine this, IBM’s Institute for Business Value (IBV) and The Institute for Insurance Economics of the University St. Gallen (I.VW) are doing a study in selected markets including Canada. In this study we interview insurers, intermediaries and consumers. And here we need your help.

Your input would consist of answering an online questionnaire. The questionnaire should take roughly 25 minutes of your time. Answering the questionnaire will greatly help us find how insurers and brokers/agents can continue to provide value to each other, what drivers shape the broker/agent relationship towards insurers and consumers, and what the financial and non-financial (e.g. loyalty) outcomes are and can be. The study results will enable your business to reshape your channel strategy in a way that includes intermediaries in a way profitable to all parties.

The survey opened on June 25 and closed on August 3, 2012.

We greatly appreciate your taking the time to particpate in this survey and extend our thanks to everyone who has already done so.

This survey is a follow-on to the study “Powerful interaction points � saying goodbye to the channel”, published in 2011. One of the main findings is “People buy insurance from people”. The study, conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) and the Institute for Insurance Economics of the University St. Gallen (I.VW) in Switzerland, asked consumers how they interact � and want to interact � with their insurance providers. Even though the Internet has a firm place in consumers’ shopping for insurance, respondents indicated personal interaction in its various forms is still very important and is likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future.�The study report is available here.

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