Vaisala awarded next phase of National Weather Service Next Generation NOAA Profiler Network contract

May 13, 2009 – Vaisala was recently awarded a third phase development contract to proceed with a demonstration wind profiler system for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Next Generation Profiler Network (NGNPN). Vaisala was awarded phase one of the upgrade project in March of 2008 and has successfully progressed through the Preliminary Design Review in June 2008 and the Critical Design Review in May 2009. The recently launched third phase is called First Article Test, which stands for the construction of a demonstration unit for test and validation.

The National Weather Service (NWS) is utilizing a multi-step, multi-year process for the design, development, manufacturing, and installation of high capability upper air wind profiler observation sites for the United States.

The current NOAA wind profiler network was first deployed in 1990-1992 and has operated continuously ever since. The NGNPN upgrade will enhance the mission critical data which is distributed in real-time to government and university atmospheric researchers, private meteorologists, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, the Storm Prediction Center, all NWS Forecast Offices, and foreign agencies responsible for weather prediction.

With over 165 installations worldwide, Vaisala is a world leader in remote sensing of the atmosphere. Vaisala�s new Windprofiler is a Doppler radar which provides vertical profiles of horizontal wind speed and direction, and vertical wind velocity to an altitude of 16 km above ground level. The system will operate unattended and provides continuous, real-time atmospheric wind and temperature data with excellent spatial resolution.

About Vaisala Group

Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Building on more than 70 years of experience, Vaisala contributes to a better quality of life by providing a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services for meteorology, weather critical operations and controlled environments. Headquartered in Finland, the company employs over 1200 professionals worldwide.