RIMS Introduces Web Conference Series

Online Professional Development Courses Focus on Business Ethics in the Captive Insurance Industry

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – October 5, 2006 – A new three-part web conference series titled “Business Ethics in the Captive Insurance Industry� trains risk managers about the legal and ethical issues related to business practices in the captive insurance industry. The program is presented by the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) in partnership with the International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE). The first web conference in the series will take place on November 28, followed by web conferences on December 11 and December 14, from 2:30 – 3:45 pm EST.

�Corporate ethics is an important issue for business leaders, especially in light of increased regulatory guidelines and high-profile scandals such as Enron. This course examines the impact on the captive insurance market,� said Mitch Cantor, Executive Director of ICCIE. �RIMS recognizes the importance of this topic and aims to share it with its members.�

By exploring scenarios and case studies presented in the web conferences and corresponding reading materials, participants will learn how to effectively identify areas in the captive industry with potential ethical conflicts; examine ethical and unethical responses to these situations; identify best practices for dealing with questionable procedures; learn about tools that may be used to assess personal values for corporate staff; discover the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on ethical practices in the captive industry; and look at the role and responsibilities of the CEO, Board of Directors, Audit Committee, outside service providers, actuary, and legal group in this new environment.

Facilitating discussions on the program are Dan Labrie, ARM, President and CEO of Housing Authority Insurance Group, and Kathy Davis, Deputy Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer of Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC.

The web courses offer credit towards the RIMS Fellow (RF) designation, which is the professional development credential granted by RIMS for the experienced risk professional.

The International Center for Captive Insurance Education, which was conceived by the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) in 2001, is the first and only comprehensive captive insurance education program in North America.

About RIMS

The Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the practice of risk management, a professional discipline that protects physical, financial and human resources. Founded in 1950, RIMS represents nearly 4,000 industrial, service, nonprofit, charitable, and governmental entities. The Society serves more than 9,900 risk management professionals around the world. Visit www.rims.org