Canadian Association of Insurance Women – Insurance Information Campaign is Underway!!

August 16, 2005 – This committee was formed in 1981. The purpose of the program is to create and develop a positive public image for the insurance industry. The program is to strive to have contact with the public in an information based project. The original program developers wanted to see a program presented by The Insurance Women’s Associations all across Canada. The program could and should include participation of all insurance related services, insurance companies, brokers, adjusters, marketers, fire organizations and police. This program is to include individuals, but it is not to promote any single company’s services. Remember, the goal is to promote the insurance industry public image, not to publicize a particular person or a particular company.

In 1990 the Insurance Information Week Contest was introduced and each Association was encouraged to develop a local program and send in a submission describing their program. Judges were recruited from the regional committee designers. These judges used as their guidelines, the original goals for organizing the committee program.

Insurance Information Campaign Goals:

  1. To promote a positive image for the insurance industry.

  2. Insurance Women’s Associations across Canada should organize an activity in their area to promote a positive image for the insurance industry.

  3. Each Association should involve as many of their members as possible in this program.

  4. The Insurance Women’s Associations should contact other insurance Associations and organizations to recruit their participation in the local program. Keep in mind that none of the insurance organizations are to receive publicity from the event for sake of publicity alone.

To date, the Insurance Women’s Information Campaign Contest has encouraged participation by most of the Local Associations. From its humble beginnings, the committee has grown to where it now has sponsorship from Aviva Insurance Company. There is a first prize of $700.00 and a second prize of $300. In addition, an annual plaque will be presented to the first prize winner.

Each Local Association will organize their local program while networking with their local insurance industry. The Local Association will present a submission of their activities to the C.A.I.W. Committee Chairman by the absolute deadline of March 31st 2006.


  • 1990
    1st – Waterloo County Insurance Women’s Association
    2nd – Nova Scotia Insurance Women’s Association

  • 1991
    1st – Insurance Women Western Manitoba
    2nd Tie – Insurance Women of Manitoba
    – Nova Scotia Insurance Women’s Association
    – Waterloo County Insurance Women’s Association

  • 1992
    1st – Nova Scotia Insurance Women’s Association
    2nd – Moncton Insurance women’s Association

  • 1993
    1st Tie – Toronto Insurance Women’s Association
    – Nova Scotia Insurance Women’s Association
    2nd – Waterloo Region Insurance Professionals

  • 1994
    1st – Waterloo Region Insurance Professionals
    2nd – Toronto Insurance Women’s Association

  • 1995
    1st – Toronto Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – Waterloo Region Insurance Professionals

  • 1996
    1st – Insurance Women�s Association of Western Manitoba
    2nd – Moncton Insurance Women�s Association

  • 1997
    1st – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – Waterloo Region Insurance Professionals

  • 1998
    1st – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – Toronto Insurance Women�s Association

  • 1999
    1st – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – Toronto Insurance Women�s Association

  • 2000
    1st – Toronto Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association

  • 2001
    1st – Montreal Association of Insurance Women
    2nd – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association

  • 2002
    1st – Nova Scotia Association of Insurance Women
    2nd -Toronto Association of Insurance Women

  • 2003
    1st – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – No Runner-Up

  • 2004
    1st – Toronto Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – London Insurance Professionals Association

  • 2005
    1st – Nova Scotia Insurance Women�s Association
    2nd – London Insurance Professional� Association



CAIW was formed in 1966. Original membership consisted of representative associations from Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John, Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg and Hamilton. Members at this time are Calgary, Edmonton, Western Manitoba, Manitoba, North Western Ontario, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal and Nova Scotia.

Mission Statement

Preserve and enhance the value of our member Associations through education, networking and the fostering of personal growth.

Aims and Purposes

  • To provide and encourage education programs and to assist member associations with their programs;

  • To cultivate good fellowship, loyalty and networking among its members; and

  • To make its members more responsive to the requirements of the Canadian Insurance Industry as a whole.