July 22, 2005 KITCHENER – Crawford Adjusters Canada employees throughout the Prairie Provinces have been helping the residents in the region recover from extensive flood and wind damage following a series of storms this past month. The first storm hit Saskatoon and southern Manitoba on June 28 and 29. A second storm hit Brandon on July 7 with 100mm of rain and winds in excess of 100 kilometers per hour. The situation got progressively worse as continuing precipitation in the region raised water levels in the Red River and its tributaries. The most recent storm on July 16 and 17 produced winds of 100 kilometers per hour and dropped more than 100mm of rainfall causing flash flooding in southern Winnipeg.
Earlier this month, provincial authorities reported the largest summer flood of the Red River on record. �Officials estimate that water levels would have equaled those of the 1997 Red River flood without the control measures that have been put in place,� says Randy LaBrash, Crawford�s director of operations in the Prairies. �While the damage across the region has been extensive, it could have been much worse without the province�s water management programs.�
�The weather patterns we�re witnessing this summer are reminiscent of the storms that produced simultaneous catastrophe events across Canada at this time last year. These multiple catastrophe situations are not easily managed,� commented Glenn Gibson, Crawford Adjuster Canada�s chief executive officer. �However, as adjusters our job is to help people. We have a strong team in place that plans for and manages these events to ensure we�re ready to assist our insurer partners when they need us.� New claims can be reported to Crawford�s CLAIMSALERT� center at 1-888-224-5677, or directly to the closest branch office.
Crawford Adjusters Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of Crawford & Company, the world�s largest independent provider of claims management solutions to insurance companies and self-insured entities, with a global network of more than 700 offices in 63 countries. Major service lines include workers� compensation claims administration and healthcare management services, property and casualty claims management, class action services and risk management information services. The Company�s shares are traded on the NYSE under the symbols CRDA and CRDB.
Web Site : www.crawfordandcompany.com