Company: Skopenow
Business Category: A technology provider of InsurTech tools to insurance practitioners
Maturity Status: Mature (more than 3 years since product went into production)
Product or Service: Skopenow Search
Area: Property & Casualty and Life & Health insurance
Business description:
Using social media and open source data, Skopenow mitigates fraud and risk for claims and underwriting teams. Skopenow provides a hands-off, ‘cradle to grave’ approach to fighting claims fraud using instant behavioral and relationship analytics.
What makes us an InsurTech:
We help automate the process of detecting fraud within claims.
Major features & technology used:
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
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About Skopenow
Skopenow is an analytical search engine that uses social media and open web data to help eliminate claims fraud.
Skopenow also has a commercial and personal lines product for automating underwriting due-diligence.
For more information, please visit
Source: Skopenow
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