InsurTech Spotlight: Novinsoft Inc.

Novinsoft Inc.

Company: Novinsoft Inc.


Business Category: A technology provider of InsurTech tools to insurance practitioners

Maturity Status: Mature (more than 3 years since product went into production)

Product or Service: Novinsoft Illustrators

Area: Life & Health insurance

Novinsoft has been developing software solutions for the Financial Services industry since 1993.

As a major provider of Illustration Systems in the Canadian Individual Life and Health industry, Novinsoft specializes in working with clients to custom design and develop systems to client specific and unique requirements.

Our clients can rely on us to not only design and build quality Product Illustration Systems and Sales & Marketing Tools, but to also provide advice on product features, calculation options, and relevant tax legislation – including multi-application tax and calculation engines.

What makes us an InsurTech:

Novinsoft has completed a major new Illustrations Application Architecture upgrade – our latest technology: Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

All new Novinsoft Illustrator applications are now available as a web-delivered application running in the local browser. One single application for all target platforms – Windows, MacOS, iOs, and Android; run locally in a disconnected state, on any device.

  • Off-line first PWA .NET C# app engine hosted in-browser on all supported platforms
  • Fully merged C# code base always targeting the latest version of .NET
  • Cloud based endpoints for online services and APIs
  • User-generated data stored locally or remotely
  • On Premise or Cloud hosted

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About Novinsoft

Founded in 1993, Novinsoft is a major provider of Life and Health Sales and Inforce Product illustrators, Sales Concepts, and Needs Analyses to the Canadian Financial Services industry. Novinsoft specializes in working with clients to custom design and develop systems to client specific and unique requirements. We have the Actuarial expertise to provide our clients with advice on sophisticated Universal Life, Par products, and Sales Strategy features, calculations and regulations – including multi-platform tax and calculation engines.

Novinsoft also has many years of experience integrating with client and 3rd party administration, e-app, database, CRM and other applications.

Available Integration Methods include Web services, ACORD XML, HTTP, RESTful HTTP style services, JSON format, and APIs.

For more information, visit

Source: Novinsoft Inc.

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