InsurTech Spotlight: FRISS


Company: FRISS


Business Category: A technology provider of InsurTech tools to insurance practitioners

Maturity Status: Mature (more than 3 years since product went into production)

Product or Service: The FRISS Score for fraud detection

Area: Property & Casualty Insurance

FRISS is 100% focused on automated fraud and risk detection for P&C insurance companies worldwide. Our AI-powered fraud detection solutions have helped 250+ insurers grow their business. FRISS detects fraud, mitigates risks, helps you stay compliant and supports digital transformation while helping lower loss ratios, grow profitable portfolios and improve the customer experience.

What makes us an InsurTech:

FRISS provides a solution for risk mitigation and fraud detection for P&C insurers worldwide. The FRISS Platform integrates with Guidewire, Duck Creek and any other core system to ensure a seamless workflow integration. The FRISS Score shows the likelihood of fraudulent claims and allows you to know your customer to understand if you can or want to do business with them. FRISS provides actionable insights so your staff know where to look, when. FRISS helps enabling straight through processing at underwriting and touchless claims for legitimate claims to ensure a superior customer experience.

Major features & technology used:

FRISS offers a hybrid solution. Our combination of expert models, database search functionality, anomaly detection, text analysis, predictive modeling and network analysis are powered by AI and Machine Learning. This combination offers the end user instant insights at underwriting, claims and special investigations. At various stages, from policy requests, renewals, policy changes to FNOL, the score is updated to keep track of the risks attached to each policy or claim.

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FRISS has 250+ implementations in over 50 countries across the globe. It is trusted by the world’s best. Read what our customers say at

Source: FRISS

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