Reduce Customer Churn and Better Align Your Marketing Efforts

Webinar Overview

Without a doubt, customer retention and cross sell are top priorities in the insurance industry. In the quest for customer loyalty and market share, it's about looking forward, not back.

This webinar will discuss how organizations can take a forward-looking approach by applying advanced customer analytics to optimize retention programs, while spending less money and using fewer resources.

Register for this live webinar with Dr. Patrick Surry of Pitney Bowes Business Insight to learn about some of the latest analytic tools and approaches available for service providers, including:

  • The importance of creating a consolidated view of the policy in reducing lapse rates and increasing retention.
  • Using analytics to unlock the value of data.
  • Why many retention campaigns increase overall lapse rates.
  • The difference between predicting lapse rates and predicting saveability.
  • How to identify Persuadables, Lost Causes, Sure Things or Sleeping Dogs.
  • Putting results into action by outbound campaigns or real-time decisions in inbound channels.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

November 16, 2011

12:00 noon to 1:00 pm ET

This webinar sponsored by
Pitney Bowes Business Insight

Featured Speaker

Dr. Patrick Surry, Global Solutions Owner for Customer Analytics, Pitney Bowes Business Insight

Dr. Surry is an expert on uplift modeling, with a wealth of experience in real-world delivery of customer insight, predictive analytics and behavior modeling. One of the founders of Quadstone (acquired by Portrait Software), he has been responsible for many of our high profile success stories with blue-chip clients spanning applications such as response, risk, attrition, value, customer profitability, and targeting for direct marketing. He is currently involved in guiding the development of our next generation of visual insight and analytics applications.

Patrick holds a PhD in mathematics and statistics from the University of Edinburgh, where he studied optimization based on evolutionary algorithms, following an HBSc in continuum mechanics from the University of Western Ontario.