SGI launches new and improved Safe Ride app

With technical upgrades, more options and a sharp new look, finding a safe ride home is easier than ever

Regina, SK (Dec. 12, 2019) – Looking for a safe ride home? Let the updated SGI Safe Ride app be your wingman.

The SGI Safe Ride app allows users to have a number of safe ride options right at their fingertips, including (recently added!) rideshare information, taxi and designated driving companies, bus routes, and their own personal designated drivers list of friends and family.

“SGI is committed to reducing impaired driving in Saskatchewan, and this app has been helping people find a safe ride home since 2012,” said Penny McCune, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “The latest technical upgrades mean a faster and easier user experience and include the addition of rideshare options now that these are available in some Saskatchewan communities. The refreshed look builds on our Be a Good Wingman message, reminding people to never let impaired friends and family drive.”

In 2018, impairment was a factor in 739 collisions, resulting in 359 injuries and 43 deaths on Saskatchewan roads. The Be a Good Wingman campaign encourages people to not let friends and family drive impaired and to plan ahead for a safe ride home – a pretty fitting message for the app’s design!

Don’t have the app yet? The SGI Safe Ride app works on iOS and Android devices, and can be downloaded for free by searching “SGI Safe Ride” on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Check out a demo on SGI’s Facebook page and Instagram feed.


SGI CANADA is the property and casualty insurance division of SGI, offering products in five Canadian provinces. It operates as SGI CANADA in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario, and also as Coachman Insurance Company in Ontario. Products are sold through a network of independent insurance brokers. For more information, visit

Source: Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)

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