Impaired Drivers Increasingly Likely To Be Caught

May traffic spotlight: Decide to #DriveSober

Regina, SK (June 26, 2018) — The May Traffic Safety Spotlight results show that now, more than ever, you’re more likely to be caught if you make the choice to drive impaired.

Last month, police reported 404 impaired driving offences, including 352 Criminal Code charges. This tells us two things:

  1. Police remain very focused on catching them.
  2. Some people still need to do a much better job of planning a safe ride home.

SGI is cautiously optimistic that Saskatchewan’s impaired driving problem is starting to get better – 2017 saw the lowest number deaths and injuries from collisions involving alcohol or drugs since we began keeping track in 1988 – but impaired driving is still the leading cause death on Saskatchewan roads.

Unfortunately, May’s results show not everyone has got the message.

Now, they’ll learn about Saskatchewan’s tough consequences for impaired drivers, including vehicle seizures, licence suspensions, costly demerit points, mandatory DWI courses, ignition interlock requirements, fines, possible jail time and a criminal record.

During May, police also issued tickets for other traffic infractions including:

  • 544 distracted driving offences (including 447 for cellphone use)
  • 6,087 tickets for speeding or aggressive driving
  • 445 offences regarding seatbelts/child car seats

Remember, impaired is impaired. In Saskatchewan, it’s currently illegal and will continue to be illegal to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, even once marijuana use becomes legal in Canada later this year.

Police continue to focus on new drivers in June. Follow SGI on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for safety tips to #PracticeUp and #TakeCareOutThere.

* Includes all traffic safety focus results for May 2018 submitted by police as of June 25, 2018.


Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is the province’s self-sustaining auto insurance fund. SGI operates 21 claims centres and five salvage centres across Saskatchewan with a head office in Regina. SGI also works with a network of nearly 400 motor licence issuers across the province. Customers can now do some transactions online. For more information, visit


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