2006 Conference (Part I)

2006 Canadian Insurance Technology Forum:
P&C Products, Services and Distribution

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hosted by Insurance-Canada.ca
the premier Internet reference site for insurance in Canada, and
CI – Canadian Insurance Magazine
Canada’s leading Insurance Magazine
Gold Sponsors:



Senior managers are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s hyper-competitive, “lean and mean” environment. The winners are those who can expertly execute a combination of business, technology, and process strategies. The 2006 Canadian Insurance Technology Forum will help position senior business and technology professionals from P&C insurers and brokers in the winner’s camp.

Two of Canada’s leading insurance information sources – Insurance-Canada.ca and CI-Canadian Insurance Magazine – have teamed up to present a focused, one-day conference that will provide a business-oriented view of the best-of-breed technology and processes, to support innovative product, service, and distribution strategies. We have assembled a faculty that includes leading technology suppliers, management consultants, and practitioners who will address:

  • Streamlined underwriting methods and systems;
  • Data-driven customer segmentation and business intelligence;
  • Technology-enabled distribution, including integrated Web portals;
  • Executive information systems;
  • Electronic Document and Workflow Management.

Keynote presenters will describe the current, as well as emerging, technology landscapes in business terms to allow for better planning and budgeting.

The integration of broker and company systems, in real time, is moving into mainstream. End-to-end transaction processing further enables the “once and done” philosophy, but requires that quoting, rating, underwriting — policy management and customer management systems at both broker and company — be part of a single work flow and procedural environment. Learn how these challenges are being tackled.

Delegates will have ample opportunity to network with presenters and other attendees who share common interests and concerns. An exhibit area will feature leading suppliers, who can provide details on their technology offerings.

Attend “2006 Canadian Insurance Technology Forum: P&C Products, Services and Distribution” on February 28 to better prepare for the next steps you take. Register today!

Agenda at a Glance

8:00 – 9:00: Registration and Coffee


9:00 Welcome and introduction:
Patrick Vice,
I/T Manager, Frank Cowan Company Ltd.
Insurance 2020: The Undiscovered Country
Jamie Bisker,
Global Insurance Industry Leader, Institute for Business Value, IBM
Policy Administrations Systems are taking centre stage again!
Christian Playford,
Vice President, Consulting Services, Insurance Business Solutions, CGI
New Web Technologies Enabling Enterprise Insurance Applications: A Non-technical View
Terry Neilson,
President & CEO, Insurance Systems Inc.
Does Underwriting Matter?
David A. West,
Insurance Industry Marketing Manager, SAS Worldwide Marketing
Announcement from Telus Research
Dale Neilly,
Director of Marketing, Financial Services, TELUS
12:00 noon Lunch
Extending Managed Workflow from Brokerage to Markets and Beyond
Doug Johnston,
EVP of Interface Services, Applied Systems
Rick Alcock, Divisional CIO, Personal Insurance, Royal and Sun Alliance
Richard Shallhorn, CIO & Privacy Officer, HKMB International Insurance Brokers
Brenda Rose, Vice President, Firstbrook Cassie & Anderson Ltd.
Measurable Results Through Broker Improvements
Patrick Durepos,
President, Keal Technology
Beyond Portals: Effective eMarketing for Commercial Lines
Kevin Campbell,
President, Policy Works (a panel)
Electronic Content Management: Managing the Mountains of Information
Daniel Moore,
Managing Principal, Business Process Services Practice, Xerox Global Services
Delivering Integrated P&C Information
James Barber,
Insurance Solutions Manager, Information Builders
Conclusions & Close:
Doug Grant,
4:45 Reception
Hosted by TELUS

Description of topics and biographies of speakers.

You should attend if you are a Senior Line-of-Business Manager, an IT Executive, a Broker or an MGA
Involved in P&C distribution or policy management. No technical experience is required.

Continuing Education: 6 credits, Management Category, have been approved by RIBO.

Conference Silver, Bronze, Lunch and Coffee sponsors:

Webwriter by ISI

Keal Technology

Tritech Policy Management System


Information Builders

Aplied Systems Canada

Microdea Inc.
Lunch: Policy Works
Coffee SunGard


Conference Details: Location, Fees, and Registration

This full-day session will be held Tuesday, February 28, 2006.
Registration (with coffee) will start at 8:00. The session will begin promptly at 9:00 and conclude at about 4:30.

Conference Location

Conference Centre of the Ontario Bar Association, 20 Toronto Street,
Suite 200, Toronto ON M5E 1W2 (two short blocks east of Yonge Street near Adelaide St.
Closest subway stop: King and Yonge).

Conference Fees

Cost, including handout material, lunch and coffee: $795.00 plus G.S.T. ($850.65).
Two or more from the same company $695.00 each.
Early bird special until January 20, 2006: $695.00 single or $595.00 each for two or more from the same company.
Payment is due in advance. Receipts will be issued upon request.


We have arranged a special rate which will be available until Feb 6, 2006 with:
Novotel Toronto Centre, 45 The Esplanade, Toronto, ON M5E 1W2
Guests may register by calling the hotel directly at 416-367-8900 or email: [email protected].
To receive the special rate, guests should quote: “Insurance Canada’s Group Rate”.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refunds will be given for cancellations received in writing by January 28, 2006 subject to an administration fee of
$50.00 plus $3.50 GST for a total of $53.50.
Please note that if you register for the conference and do not attend, you are liable for the full registration fee unless
you cancel within the period stated above.
If you register after January 28 2006 your order is firm. A refund will not be given, however a delegate substitution is welcome at any time.

Canadian Insurance Technology Forum
reserves the right to change program date, meeting place or content without further notice and assumes no liability for these changes.


See a list of our Previous Seminars.