ICTC2020: Venue & Accommodations

18th Annual Insurance-Canada.ca Technology Conference

“20/20 Foresight: Keys To Success in a Dynamic World”

Feb. 25-26, 2020 — Beanfield Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto

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The 2020 Insurance-Canada.ca Technology Conference and ICTA awards ceremony will be held at the Beanfield Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto.

Address & Contact Information

Beanfield Centre
105 Princes’ Blvd.
Toronto, ON
M6K 3C3
Tel: (416) 263-3000

Maps & Directions


For your convenience, we recommend two nearby hotels, the Marriott and Hotel X.

We have made arrangements with the Marriott for a special rate of $249 (CAD) per night. We are inquiring with Hotel X about a block booking rate.

We recommend that you reserve your room as early as possible for the best rates and the least stress.

Marriott Toronto City Centre Hotel

The Toronto Marriott City Centre Hotel has a block of rooms reserved:

Toronto Marriott City Centre Hotel details:

Hotel X Toronto

Hotel X is adjacent to the Beanfield Centre on the Exhibition Place grounds.

Hotel X Toronto details:


Please contact the hotels directly with booking inquiries, or email [email protected] with any other questions.