ICEF2015: “Emerging Threats and Opportunities”
Held Monday, August 31, 2015, at the Toronto Sheraton Centre
By all accounts, powerful forces are forming just outside the insurance industry's doors. As an executive, you need to decide: Are these going to threaten our enterprise or provide new growth opportunities?
The 2015 Executive Forum is designed to help you develop strategies that will allow you to survive and thrive in both scenarios. Update for Brokers: The forum has been approved for six hours of RIBO continuing education credits in the Management category.
We are seeing traditional and non-traditional organizations creating products and distribution strategies to take a portion of premium from established entities. We are seeing other initiatives that will reduce or eliminate risk from existing sources.
The result? The top and bottom line may be smaller for traditional risks, and the competitors will be more targeted and aggressive.
This forum for P&C insurance executives will examine the threats and opportunities facing the industry as we know it in Canada today. As many of the marketplace shifts are already being driven or enabled by advances in technology, insuring customers and helping them to better manage risk will often be influenced by technology as well.
Topics and Speakers
At ICEF2015, our faculty will help you take a three-, five-, and ten-year look at the trends in the industry and the directions major players will be taking.
Sharon Ludlow, President of Aviva, will introduce the forum with her perspective on three forces – disruption, consumers and technology – and how, together, those will change the industry. To wrap up the day, a panel moderated by Scott Bielby of CGI will discuss how similar forces may well change the nature of insurance products and how they are processed.
During the day, insurance and technology experts will explore different aspects of the industry and what ongoing or coming changes could mean for different parts of the business: distribution, and how special products may change the game; automotive technologies and the nature of future transportation; and the dawning of a new wave of computing.
Change is already happening more quickly than ever before, and the pace may not let up. This creates threats to the status quo, but it also represents new opportunities.
For more information about the topics, see the agenda; refer to the faculty page to learn more about the speakers.
If you have questions about the Executive Forum, please contact Doug Grant at [email protected].