Desjardins launches new dynamic travel insurance resource website
Canadians have a poor understanding of travel health coverage
Canadian snowbirds are taking flight, but is their insurance up in the air?
Tips For Travel With Special Needs
5 Tips for Avoiding Credit Card Hassles While Travelling
Creechurch International to offer Kidnap & Ransom Insurance in Canada
Blackhawk Network (Canada) Ltd. Announces Distribution Of New Prepaid Travel Insurance Products
Tangiers Group launches conflict zone medical insurance
Ingle International unveils exclusive new coverage for international students and homestay families
RBC Insurance expands alliance with Shoppers Drug Mart
Kanetix to Deliver Travel Insurance Rates Direct from TIC Travel Insurance
New Kanetix Travel App Simplifies Vacation Planning
Manulife updates Mobile Packing App with Travel Journal, Photo Sharing
CAA offers travel tips for a stress-free holiday
Travelling south? CAA SCO has tips for snowbirds
Ingle Launches Intrepid 24/7 End-to-End Travel Assistance Solution
Canadians underestimate costs of foreign medical treatment
Cross-border shopping?
Half of Canadians will put their physical, financial health at risk on their next vacation
Thomas Cook offers improved travel insurance options
Ingle International: Travel Insurance Advisory: U.S. Hospitals Cracking Down on Foreign Patients
PC Financial Launches On-The-Go Travel Insurance for Canadian Seniors
Tripping.com joins WorldNomads.com in the Travel Knowledge Network!
Insurer reveals the top three claims for snowbird travellers
World Nomads’ iPad App, ‘Ask a Nomad,’ Opens Doors to New Experiences
PC Financial first in Canada to offer on-the-go travel insurance in retail grocery stores
World Nomad�s 2011 Travel Writing Scholarship Contest Takes Winner On a 22-Day Work and Play Assignment in Turkey!
Visitor Health Insurance: Helps to take the worry out of travelling for your family and friends
Snowbirds should make sure all their ducks are in a row when it comes to travel insurance
Five travel tips for your next quick trip
WorldNomads.com Has Safety Advice For International Visitors To South Africa’s World Cup
Travelling to Cuba: Medical Insurance is a Must – Desjardins
Canadian Snowbird Association report card reveals most provinces breaching the Canada Health Act
A spring break could be costly on your family vacation: RBC Insurance
Disturbing trends for UK Travellers to Asia: WorldNomads.com
Attention Travellers! Annual or Multi-trip plans: Tour+Med
Seven out of ten Canadians plan to travel for their summer vacations: Desjardins
Tour+Med: Snowbirds should flock together on at least 1 thing… their Travel Insurance protection!
Self-serve baggage tagging for air travellers starts July 1, 2009: Transport Canada
Concerns About Swine Flu (H1N1 virus), Tour Operator Bankruptcies and Other Disasters Make Travel Insurance Worth Considering: I.I.I.
HealthQuotes.ca announces availability of MultiNational Underwriters International Travel Insurance
New Survey Finds Holiday Travelers Don’t Know Travel Insurance Needs Or Coverage: IIABA
Make Sure Travel Insurance Plan Covers Skiing During Your Winter Vacation Abroad
Travel Guard introduces website containing travel information, advice, and resources
Parents Should Get Student Travel Insurance For Children Going To School Overseas: TGF Global
Travel Insurance Mexico web site is launched: TFG Global Insurance
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association launches brochure on travel insurance
AIG Travel Guard offers tips to ensure safe and fun vacations
Canadian Snowbird Association applauds introduction of 10-year passports
AIG public awareness campaign dispels travel insurance myths