Operationalizing a New Insurance Model: Is Traditional Risk Passé?
Counting on the Future: More Than All Our Fingers and Toes
When a Keynote Lasts All Day: Sharon Ludlow @ ICEF2015
Is the Telematics Plateau Coming Early?
Threats, Opportunities & The Future of Insurance
Supporting Data-First Enterprises: A Prelude to Distinctive Analytics
A Midsummer Musing on Millennials, Boomers, Technology, and Insurance
A Different Side of Disruption: What Uber Could Learn from Insurers
Big Data: On Carts, Horses, Lamborghinis, and Executives
MGAs Walking the Specialty Line
Why should insurers be interested in bitcoin? (Hint: It’s not about the money)
Defining Insurance & Distribution 2025
If Suppliers Don’t Think Insurance is Innovative, Do We Care?
Emerging Auto Threats and Opportunities: In Conversation with Catherine Kargas
Threats and Opportunities in a Totally Connected World
Modern Technology, Muddling Through, and Insurance Management
Technology in 2025: You Want to Insure WHAT?
What Opportunities and Threats Will You Be Facing in the Next Decade?
Is UBI Trapped in a Cul-de-sac?
Is Digital Changing Insurance Fundamentals?