Key Takeaways for Brokers @ Fast Forward 2018
On Brokers, InsurTech Experience, and Friday Afternoons
Can we Crack the Insurance Shopper’s Genome With Half the DNA Sequence?
Survey Says: Broker/Agent-Insurer Alignment Grows, As Do Portals
Do We Need Different Constructs for Broker/Carrier Connectivity?
UBI and Brokers: Ticket to Ride or Highway to Hell?
Who Owns the Client? A Modest Proposal
Core Modernization: Standard vs Bespoke Implementations
Latest Prediction on Agents’ Future: Old News or New Challenges?
A Unique Broker Opportunity: Technology, Customization, and Zero Distance
Can Brokers Create and Seize the Future?
Ontario Brokers, Carrier CEOs Stake Out Telematics Ground
Turn Now! Insurance Brokers Reset Directions on the Road to Telematics/UBI
Brokers Could be ‘Crucial’ in the Evolution of Usage Based Insurance
Insurance Marketing 2023: Is A ‘Minority Report’ Scenario Different Than What Brokers Do Now?
Are Customers Returning to Independents? For How Long?
ORBiT Message to Brokers: Market Share/Profitability Are Yours to Lose
Telematics/Usage-Based Insurance: Where Do Canadian Brokers Fit?
What Do Agents & Brokers Do Anyway?
Insurance Digital Marketing: Data Primacy, Channel Challenges
Independents, Data, Analytics, and the Future
How Do Cool Agents Do Social Media?
Understanding Insurance Consumer Data: Dr. Phil Meets Stephen Hawking
Federation Frees Agents/Carriers From Password Jungle
Occupy On-line Distribution; Mobile for the 99%
The Perfect Storm Facing Insurance – Challenges and Opportunities
The New Landscape for Brokers: This Show is For You
What’s Past is Prologue: The New Landscape (Part 1 of 2)
Portals or Real Time: What Do Brokers/Agents Prefer?
Putting Agency Connectivity to Work: Best Practices and Implementation Strategies
Insurance Circa 2020: ACORD Members Prepare
A Pivot Point for Broker Connectivity in Canada??
Insurance Social Media Use in Canada and US: Who, What, and How
‘Plug and Play’ Insurance Technology: Data Standards Connect the Dots
The Curse to an Independent Broker May Be The Cure
Is Canada Living in the Past with Broker-Carrier Connectivity?
Brokers and Social Media – Is the Breakthrough Coming?
Lost in Translation: Agent/Broker Interface Across the 49th Parallel
Canadian Insurers Going SmartPhone Mobile: Will the Customer Follow?
Is Canada Behind in Social Media Use?
Collaboration Roadmap – Implications for Distribution
New Uses For Data Standards: The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be
Broker/Carrier Technology Relationships: Ships in the Night, or All Row Together