Waymo is safer than even the most advanced human-driven vehicles, new Swiss Re study reveals
What Will Urban Mobility Look Like In 2035?
Introducing R2, Nuro’s Next-Generation Self-Driving Vehicle
A Year-End Look Back On 2019
Driving Is Not Just Moving Anymore
Driving Disruption
Will InsurTech Models and Core Systems Align?
2020 for Self Driving Cars: The Future of Automobiles and Regulations
AI: Infrastructure, Morality, and 5 Time Zones
Telematics/UBI: A Phoenix-Like Autonomous Rise
Cohort Drivers & New Realities: A Tale of Two Keynotes
UBI Resuscitation: A Two-Decade ‘Overnight Sensation’
Risk, Technology, Engagement: The Wholly Trinity On Display
Are You Ready for the New Future of Work?
Automobile Insurance in the Autonomous Vehicle Age
Is UBI Facing A Future That Isn’t UBI?
Autonomous Vehicles – The Disruption Never Ends
Pilots on the Disruption Path
AI: The Computing We Always Wanted?
Following Closely: Cyberrisk and Self-Driving Cars
Will Driverless Cars Disrupt Uber and Insurance?
Is the Telematics Plateau Coming Early?
Emerging Auto Threats and Opportunities: In Conversation with Catherine Kargas
Apple Auto: What Would DeLorean Say?
Technology and the Future of Insurance Work
Can You Say ‘No’ to Driverless Cars?
The Road to Digital is Paved … Sort of
What’s the Lifespan of Insuring Telematically?
The Internet of Things & Impact on Insurance: A Matter of Give and Take
UBI: An Innovation in Insurance – Really?
Insurance and The Internet of Things
2013: Analytics, a Soupçon of Engagement, and Disruption
Which Comes First, Technology or Insurance?
Bill Berkley: Technology’s Influence on Risk and Insurance
Insurance 2023: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future
Brokers Could be ‘Crucial’ in the Evolution of Usage Based Insurance
Insurance 2023: Changes to the Auto Means Changes in the Auto Insurance
Technology and the Aging Driver: A Father’s Day Tale
Should Telematics/UBI Be Mandatory in Ontario?
Telematics/UBI and Driverless Vehicles: Is There a Battle Royale Forming?