Provincial oversight of the towing industry takes effect in Ontario

Thornhill, ON (Jan. 5, 2024) – The Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, 2021 (TSSEA) came into effect in Ontario on January 1st, giving consumers more certainty when it comes to towing services across the province.

Towing services were previously licenced at the municipal level, creating a confusing patchwork of rules and fees for consumers. Provincial oversight will help to ensure that the motoring public has a reliable, growing and reputable tow industry for years to come.

“CAA has been working for over a decade with stakeholders and government officials to achieve provincial regulation of the towing industry,” said Teresa Di Felice, assistant vice president, CAA South Central Ontario. “These changes will make a big difference for drivers, providing more confidence and certainty regardless of when or where they require support.”

CAA Members can still receive the same services they have come to know and trust. CAA towing services operate in compliance with the new rules in Ontario.

“Public awareness of the rules that are now in place is going to be a critical element of successfully protecting drivers moving forward,” continued Di Felice. “CAA will be doing our part to help educate drivers across the province.”

Some of the consumer protection requirements that will now be required for all towing services include:

  • Every tow truck operator and vehicle storage operator (company owner) must have a Certificate to offer services in the province of Ontario. Every tow truck must clearly display their name and TSSEA certificate number on the truck. You have the right to see a copy of the certificate.
  • You have the right to decide who can tow your vehicle and to what location unless otherwise directed by police.
  • Tow truck drivers must obtain consent BEFORE they tow your vehicle. Without signed consent (permission to tow form), the tow operator cannot charge for towing services. Towing consent is not required for membership or roadside assistance-type services.
  • You must be provided with an invoice BEFORE requesting payment and a receipt upon payment. This is not required for membership or roadside assistance-type services.
  • Rates cannot exceed the maximum rates published by the Ministry of Transportation.
  • Referrals to a business, facility or person can only be given if requested. Tow truck drivers and operators MUST disclose any benefit they receive for providing referrals to a person, business or facility.
  • Multiple payment methods must be accepted (cash, cheque, credit card, debit).
  • Towed vehicles must be transported via the most direct route. The tow operator or tow truck driver must notify the vehicle owner if taken to a different location from the one the vehicle owner specified.
  • Customers must be allowed to retrieve personal property from towed vehicles at no charge. Storage operators must allow authorized persons access to retrieve personal items from vehicles during business hours or prearranged times.
  • Tow operators must ensure every driver employed complies with TSSEA regulations, the Highway Traffic Act, and its regulations.

Implementation of regulations will continue to roll out in the months ahead, and it is expected that the final phase of regulations will be implemented starting in July 2024.

About CAA South Central Ontario

For over a hundred years, CAA has been helping Canadians stay mobile, safe and protected. CAA South Central Ontario is one of eight auto clubs across Canada, providing roadside assistance, travel, insurance services and Member savings for over 2.2 million Members. For more information, visit

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SOURCE: CAA South Central Ontario

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