Origin and Cause acquires Independent Fire Services in Saskatchewan

Regina, SK (Feb. 15, 2018) – Origin and Cause is proud to announce the acquisition of the leading fire investigation firm in Saskatchewan, Independent Fire Services, a subsidiary of Independent Investigation Services (IIS).

Mazen Habash, President of Origin and Cause, spoke enthusiastically about the company’s expansion in the Prairies. “We have been actively following the Saskatchewan market for the past few years as part of our growth strategy, and Independent Fire Services has always been in the conversation as the go-to fire investigation firm in the province,” he said. “They have a reputation for being unbiased, incredibly thorough, and active in response to their clients’ needs, which aligns perfectly with the way we operate at Origin and Cause and our approach to client service.”

Founder of IIS, Mark Ochitwa, was equally optimistic. “I’m extremely proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish with Independent Fire Services in the past couple of years, and very thankful to our clients. I will be putting my efforts into strengthening my SIU and polygraph services, as that is where my passion lies at this point in my career. However, I have no doubt that with their expertise, and the exceptional quality of their work, Origin and Cause will empower the insurance and legal communities of Saskatchewan, just as they have in other provinces across Canada. It’s great news for everyone, we are all very excited.”

“Mark has built a fantastic operation,” stated Ken Swan, Western Canada Manager of Origin and Cause. “And we are honoured to continue developing and growing it. Both Greg Litvanyi and Chris Needham are diligent Fire Investigators. And I can attest to their skills and integrity firsthand, having often worked alongside them in the field. We are very fortunate to have them join the Origin and Cause family.”

Origin and Cause is the largest Forensic Engineering and Fire Investigation Firm in Canada, serving clients across the country. Offices in Calgary and Edmonton were opened in 2014 and 2016 to support their growing business in Western Canada.

The addition of offices in Saskatoon and Yorkton will facilitate fast access to scenes across Saskatchewan, and reduce travel expenses for clients.

For assistance with Fire Investigation claims in Saskatchewan, please contact:

Greg Litvanyi: Fire and Explosion Investigator – Yorkton, SK

1-306-621-6696 | [email protected]

Chris Needham: Fire and Explosion Investigator – Saskatoon, SK

1-306-290-5959 | [email protected]

Please direct inquires to:

George Costandi

(647) 393-2846 | [email protected]

SOURCE: Origin and Cause

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