CSIO Announces 150 Broker Technology Leaders

Toronto, ON (Dec. 5, 2017) – In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Canada, the Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) is pleased to announce that it has identified 150 brokerages across the country as CSIO Technology Leaders.

These brokerages have achieved a top score of 100% on the CSIO Technology Scorecard. The scorecard shows whether a brokerage has adopted eight key technology tools, including eDocs, eSignatures/Call Recording, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), mobile-optimized websites and more.

“CSIO’s Technology Scorecard and Technology Leader awards are phenomenal tools for benchmarking broker performance and celebrating broker success,” affirms Susan Gilbert, chief operating officer at MIG Insurance in Manitoba. “When working with other brokers across the country, we point them to the scorecard to ensure their tech adoption is where it needs to be. Furthermore, our company partners know that CSIO Technology Leaders are able to deliver products to Canadians both traditionally and digitally.”

In addition to its role as an industry benchmarking tool, the Technology Leader initiative provides long-term benefits to recipients. In a recent CSIO survey of tech leaders, the vast majority of recipients reported that the award was highly valuable to their brokerage, resulting in stronger relationships with carriers and customers alike.

What’s next for broker technology adoption? Survey results revealed that many tech leaders are looking to online chat solutions, including automated chatbots, to further enhance the customer experience.

CSIO encourages brokers who receive 100% on the scorecard to contact [email protected], adding their brokerage to the list of Technology Leaders.

About Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO)

CSIO is Canada’s industry technology association of property and casualty insurers, software providers and over 36,000 brokers. CSIO is committed to improving the consumer’s ease of doing business within the broker channel by overseeing the development, implementation and maintenance of technology standards and solutions such as eDocs, eDelivery, and eSignatures. In addition, CSIO operates CSIOnet, a secure, industry-owned platform for the efficient exchange of policy information for the broker channel. CSIO maintains offices in Toronto and Montreal. For more information, visit www.csio.com.

SOURCE: Centre for Study of Insurance Operations  (CSIO)

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