Police issued more than 480 tickets to distracted drivers last month
Regina, SK (Nov. 17, 2017) – During October’s Traffic Safety Spotlight, police across the province were paying extra attention to drivers not paying attention behind the wheel. A total of 486 tickets were issued for distracted driving, including 391 for using a cellphone while driving.
Distracted driving is illegal, dangerous, and will cost you. Despite the consequences – a $280 fine and four demerits under SGI’s Safe Driver Recognition program – distracted driving continues to be the leading cause of all traffic collisions. Over the last three years, there has been a steady increase in fatalities, injuries and collisions related to distracted driving. Last year, distracted driving was a factor in nearly 8,300 collisions contributing to the deaths of 42 people and more than 1,200 injuries.
Cellphone legislation was strengthened in Saskatchewan on Jan. 1, 2017. It now prohibits drivers from using, viewing, holding or manipulating mobile devices while driving. Learner and novice drivers are not allowed to use a cellphone of any kind, not even hands-free. Drivers caught using their cellphone while driving for the second time within one year will have the vehicle seized for seven days.
Anything that takes your attention away from the road is dangerous and can constitute distracted driving. Be aware of other distractions that can take your focus off the road, like pets, adjusting your radio, even eating or grooming. We all have a responsibility to keep Saskatchewan roads safe. Avoid all distractions, don’t do anything else besides drive when you’re in control of a vehicle, and call out your friends and family for using cellphones while driving. A life is more important than any text message.
Law enforcement also reported the following offences as part of the monthly Traffic Safety Spotlight:
- 4,286 tickets for speeding/aggressive driving
- 310 impaired driving offences
- 323 tickets regarding seatbelts/child car seats
Police continue to focus on suspended drivers and unregistered vehicles throughout November. Please remember that you need a valid driver’s licence, registration and insurance to legally drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Saskatchewan. #DoNotRiskIt
Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is the province’s self-sustaining auto insurance fund. SGI operates 21 claims centres and five salvage centres across Saskatchewan with a head office in Regina. SGI also works with a network of nearly 400 motor licence issuers across the province. Customers can now do some transactions online. For more information, visit www.sgicanada.ca.
Tags: distracted driving, driving safety, SGI