88 tickets issued to new drivers and new motorcyclists in June

SGI releases provincial results of its June safety spotlight

Regina, SK (July 24, 2017) – The results are in from last month’s traffic safety spotlight on new drivers. Law enforcement across the province issued 88 tickets to new drivers who weren’t following the requirements outlined on their licence:

  • 66 learner drivers were caught for driving without a supervising driver;
  • 20 tickets were issued for not following the restrictions or riding without the appropriate endorsement;
  • 2 tickets were issued for not displaying the appropriate ‘L’ (Learner) or ‘N’ (Novice) placard on their motorcycle.

Although the monthly focus was on new drivers and motorcyclists, law enforcement was still on the lookout for any drivers not following the rules of the road. The following tickets were also issued in June:

  • 4,762 tickets for aggressive driving or speeding;
  • 441 tickets for inappropriate or no seatbelt/child restraint;
  • 436 tickets for distracted driving (307 for cellphone use while driving).

Unfortunately, there were also 376 impaired driving violations province-wide in June and 333 of those were charged under the Criminal Code of Canada which means drivers exceeded .08 blood alcohol content (BAC), failed a standard field sobriety test for drugs or alcohol, or refused a breathalyzer altogether.

It’s important to remember that refusing to give a breath sample has the same consequences as exceeding the limit. Tougher consequences around vehicle seizures, licence suspensions and mandatory ignition interlock were implemented this past January. New drivers and all drivers 21 and under will have their vehicle seized for three days and licence suspended for 60 days if they’re caught driving with any amount of alcohol or drugs in their system. Experienced drivers can now have their vehicle seized for three days for driving with a BAC over .04. Last month, 43 drivers lost their licence and vehicle for three days for driving between .04 and .08 BAC.

SGI reminds motorists to always plan a safe ride home and go the extra step to stop your impaired friends from driving as well. There’s no excuse to drive impaired. Spend the night, call a friend of family member to come get you, call a cab or safe ride service, or refrain from drinking at the event altogether. If you choose to drive while impaired, you may get a ride in a police car or ambulance.

#SlowTo60 Saskatchewan – police continue to focus on work zone safety for the month of July. Results from that traffic safety spotlight will be available in the third week of August.

*Includes all traffic safety focus results for June submitted by police as of July 18, 2017.


Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is the province’s self-sustaining auto insurance fund. SGI operates 21 claims centres and five salvage centres across Saskatchewan with a head office in Regina. SGI also works with a network of nearly 400 motor licence issuers across the province. Customers can now do some transactions online. For more information, visit www.sgicanada.ca.