ACORD’s Insurance Digital Transformation Study

Toronto, ON (Mar. 16, 2016) – The insurance industry is facing unprecedented changes, driven in part by technology developments combined with new customer expectations. To get a Canada-specific view of technology needs and to determine the effectiveness of specific roadmaps in Canada, we are conducting a survey in partnership with ACORD in the US. The study is called the Insurance Digital Transformation Study, and we need your participation to be successful.

The online questionnaire is designed to be fast and won’t take more than 15 minutes to complete – click here to begin. If you enter your contact information, you will receive a copy of the Executive Summary and be entered into a draw to win a $50 gift card. But most importantly, you’ll be providing information about your digital capabilities and needs that will be critical in helping accelerate progress in our industry.

We have conducted similar surveys in the past, but this one is different in that we are also including insureds in the response pool. In fact, we would love for you to take the survey once in your professional role (carrier, agent, association executive, broker, MGA, solution provider) and then take it again as a consumer or business owner, by selecting the “I’m a client, i.e. insurance consumer/business owner/risk manager” path.

Feel free to pass on the survey link – – to anyone else in the industry, or to your clients. The goal is to get 8,000 responses by April 1st.

Thank you for your participation in this important initiative.


ACORD (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development), founded in 1970, is a global, nonprofit organization serving the insurance and related industries.

ACORD facilitates fast, accurate data exchange and more efficient workflows through the development of electronic standards, standardized forms, and tools to support their use.

Implementing ACORD Standards has been shown to improve data quality and flow, increase efficiency, and realize billion-dollar savings to the global industry. ACORD members worldwide include hundreds of insurance and reinsurance companies, agents and brokers, software providers, financial services organizations and industry associations.