Introducing messageLOUD, a Service to Eliminate Distracted Driving

Toronto, ON (Dec. 14, 2015) – Texting while driving is now the leading cause of death of our nation’s teens. Yet, at any given hour across America, approximately 660,000 drivers are using smartphones while driving.(1) Despite the fact that 45 states have made texting and emailing while driving illegal, it’s clear people are actively using their phones. To combat this alarming statistic and the dangers of distracted driving, messageLOUD was designed with a singular focus on consumer safety by automatically reading texts and email out loud so people can put their phones down and drive safely.

messageLOUD is available for download at the Google Play Store: free for the first 30 days, then $1.99 a month or $19.99 a year. Available today on Android devices and coming next to iPhone and smart wearables, messageLOUD is simple to set up and easy to use. During holiday driving season, keep your loved ones safe by gifting them a subscription to messageLOUD directly for $15.99 a year.

Here’s how it works:

  • Simple, one-time sign-in with your email address (supports Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, Hotmail and Yahoo.)
  • When you get in your car, tap the messageLOUD icon and set to DRIVEmode.
  • Now all your texts and email will automatically be read out loud.
  • Bluetooth compatible.
  • Customizable auto-responder for incoming texts.
  • Customizable settings to best serve your needs: such as personalizing contacts to allow or ignore.
  • Tailor which messages you want read out loud.

It’s a Pandemic: Texting While Driving is More Dangerous than Driving While Intoxicated

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated. Stemming from a ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ (FOMO), people continue to go to great lengths to read messages from colleagues or loved ones while driving, in turn breaking the law and contributing to an ever-escalating epidemic of fatalities. messageLOUD lets you stay connected to your important messages while providing the freedom and security of focusing on driving.

“Distracted driving kills thousands, injures more than half a million people each year, and is responsible for billions of dollars in insurance claims. Our mission at messageLOUD is to eliminate accidents and deaths due to smartphone usage while driving,” said Garin Toren, founder and CEO of messageLOUD. “We’re working with local and federal governments, non-profits, corporations and mobile phone carriers to orchestrate a tangible effort to deliver safer messaging while driving.”

70% of Drivers Admit They Text and Email While Driving

According to a distracted driving study conducted this year by Dr. Greenfield, founder of The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, 70% percent of drivers admit they use their smartphones while they are driving. According to the study, 61% of people admit to texting and 33% read and send emails while they are behind the wheel.

Even New Smart Car Platforms Are Distracting and Dangerous to Drivers

According to new research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, activities like dialing, changing music or sending a text using voice commands are potentially unsafe mental distractions that can impact driving. AAA’s President and CEO Marshall Doney calls for developers to aim to reduce mental distractions by designing systems that are no more demanding than listening to the radio or an audiobook.

The largest provider of mobile parking and toll payments app, PayByPhone, is partnering with messageLOUD to provide the service to its more than 10 million registered users across hundreds of cities, universities and private operators.

“Despite all our efforts to educate the masses, enforce stricter rules and severe punishments, distracted driving remains a deadly problem,” said Barrie Arnold, Chief Commercial Officer at PayByPhone. “Accidents and fatalities are on the rise. We need a better solution that keeps eyes on the road. I believe messageLOUD will help.”


1. April 2013, National Center for Statistics and Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS).

About messageLOUD

messageLOUD is a patent pending messaging service that automatically reads your texts and email out loud, allowing you to drive, work and play safely and productively. Our mission is to eliminate distracted driving with an eyes-free experience that enables you to automatically hear your messages out loud, to easily delete or dismiss messages, or call the sender back –– all without having to look at your phone. For more information about messageLOUD, partnership opportunities and customer support, visit

Source: messageLOUD