Aligning Analytics to Claims Management Business Strategies

Claims management analytics insight #2

Montreal, QC (Nov. 12, 2015) – When a claims manager assesses the current analytics environment and compares it to one designed to meet the requirements of the evolving business context, the resulting recommendations must not simply consist of technological architecture upgrades. Instead, mindful of the business perspective, the expected recommendations must also identify the gap between the current state and the desired system.

Identifying this gap can be done using two different but essential dimensions of the Analytics environment:

  • First, compare the processes required by the evolution of the strategic and operational plans to those supported by the current technological infrastructures;
  • Second, determine the human resource needs required to support these new requirements.

When both these dimensions have been carefully measured, the technological recommendations can be expected to meet their objectives with a high degree of confidence. Because, in the end, the gap that has been identified is nothing less than the inability to fully implement the corporate plan.

About InEdge

InEdge is a leader in Insurance Analytics solutions. Experienced at quickly leveraging data, InEdge seamlessly and powerfully creates business advantage for its clients. Since its creation in 1994, InEdge has designed and implemented some of the most sophisticated analytical applications available today. Our clients add up to an impressive roster of Property & Casualty and Life Insurance companies. Our Analytics solutions improve and make easier decision-making at all levels for our clients. For more information, visit

Source: InEdge