Over 15 million people in the country will be tablet users in 2015
Toronto, ON (May 12, 2015) – More than half of internet users in Canada will use a tablet this year, eMarketer estimates. Our latest forecast for the tablet audience around the world predicts 15.1 million people in Canada will use one of the devices this year, up 10.5% from 2014.
That growth will push penetration past the halfway mark among internet users in the country. Overall, 42.0% of the population will use a tablet at least monthly this year—whether they own their own or use a device belonging to a friend, family member or some other source.
2015 will be the last year of double-digit growth in this audience. By 2019, the end of our forecast period, 18.5 million people in Canada will be regular tablet users, an increase of just 3.2% over the previous year.
Canada’s tablet population is significantly smaller than that of the US, but accounting for overall country size differences are smaller—but still clear. More than half of the total US population will use a tablet by next year, but Canada won’t reach that penetration level at any time during eMarketer’s forecast period.
Canada is still far ahead of the worldwide average in tablet penetration, however—just 13.9% of people and 32.2% of internet users around the globe will use a tablet this year.
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SOURCE: eMarketer