MARCON Mobility Newsletter
Montreal, QC (Jan. 6, 2014) – We took advantage of the fact that we were in Barcelona for EVS27 to meet with several members of the SuperHub team.
The SuperHub project was introduced in a previous newsletter but for the benefit of those who missed that issue, we will provide a summary description. SUPERHUB (SUstainable and Persuasive Human Users moBility in future cities) is a multi-year project co-financed by the European Commission that involves 20 partners from a variety of fields, including transit and other transport agencies, telecommunications, academia and local government.
Simply put, SuperHub is an open-source platform and mobile app able to help a user plan customized urban routes by combining all mobility offers in real-time. So, why have we been following this project’s progress, expected to be finalized in 2014? Because it fits neatly inside MARCON’s future mobility model.
A seamless, shared, multimodal mobility system will function best when the user is provided complete mobility information (from a variety of transport modes) and options that meet his/her needs and preferences – and all this, with the ease of using a simple app on his/her smartphone.
Here’s how it works…
Read the newsletter (PDF).
MARCON Management Consultants Inc. is a specialized market research, strategy and management consulting firm based in Montreal. For more information, visit
Source: MARCON