Economical supports reduction of violence in Quebec schools with sponsorship funding

Montreal, QC (May 8, 2013) – Economical Insurance, one of Canada’s leading property and casualty insurance companies, is helping Échec au crime and Info-crime Montréal to empower Quebec youth to make their schools safer places to learn and play. Economical is providing three years of sponsorship funding totaling $37,500 to échec au crime and $12,600 to Info-crime Montréal towards the delivery of “United without violence,” a program that encourages Quebec elementary school students to neither tolerate nor express violence.

Each student in the “United without violence” program makes a personal commitment to reject the type of violence he or she wishes to take action against, such as bullying, verbal abuse or intimidation. The program urges students to stand up for themselves and to engage in positive behaviour so they can react appropriately in response to violence. Participants then become ambassadors for non-violence in their schools and meet with other students to talk about the program. The program gives reward vouchers to students who demonstrate peaceful behaviour for a prize draw at the end of each month.

“Across Montreal, more than 2,000 students in 36 schools benefit from a reduction of violence in their school through this program delivered by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal,” said André Drolet, president of Info-crime Montréal.

Elsewhere in Quebec, échec au crime works with local police forces in the delivery of the “United without violence” program. “We strongly believe in this program and how it is educating young people about how they can help curb violence in their own schools,” said Tom McConnell, president of échec au crime. “It’s all about empowering our kids to take ownership of their school environment and become stronger and more confident in their lives.”

Economical’s sponsorship is also providing financial support for échec au crime’s award-winning “How to read” program that helps kids with learning disabilities and under-privileged kids learn to read. Provided free of charge to the students, it takes a non-conventional approach with specialized games and music therapy to facilitate the learning process.

“We share the belief that empowered students can make a difference in helping to make their own schools safer,” said Mayssa Rifa�, Economical’s regional vice-president for Quebec and member of the board of directors of Info-crime Montréal. “We are proud to support these initiatives in Quebec that are having a positive impact by encouraging responsible citizenship in tomorrow’s adults.”

About Info-crime Montréal

Info-crime Montréal encourages citizens of Montreal to fight against crime by calling anonymously 514-393-1133 to report any criminal act. A reward up to $2,000 is given anonymously to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest of a suspect. Info-crime Montréal is a program in partnership with the City of Montreal, which requires the participation of the general public, the media and the police.

About Échec au crime

Échec au crime is a civilian, non-profit, charitable organization in Quebec that brings together in a tripartite relationship, the police services of a community, the media and the community in the fight against crime. Échec au crime provides citizens a vehicle to anonymously supply information about a crime or potential crime of which they have knowledge. Cash rewards of up to $2,000 are offered to people who call the program and their information leads to an arrest. Échec au crime is affiliated with Crime Stoppers International.

About Economical Insurance

Founded in 1871, Economical Insurance is one of Canada’s leading property and casualty insurers, with more than $1.7 billion in premiums and $4.7 billion in assets. Based in Waterloo, this Canadian-owned and operated group services the insurance needs of more than one million customers through 17 branches and service offices across the country. In 2010, Economical announced its decision to become the first federally-regulated mutual property and casualty insurance company to demutualize. Economical is currently reviewing strategic options and will submit a comprehensive demutualization proposal for mutual policyholder approval after the federal government’s completion of demutualization regulations.