State Farm: 2012 saw billions in wind and hail damages

Aurora, ON (Apr. 21, 2013) – Wind and hail storms remain some of the most frequent and severe causes of property damage in North America. In 2012, State Farm statistics show that hail and wind damage accounted for over $3.9 billion in property damage.

In Canada, there were more than 3,000 claims reported in the provinces State Farm conducts business, including 1,600 claims in Ontario, 1,400 claims in Alberta, and 15 in New Brunswick.

In the U.S., the top 10 states with the most wind/hail losses are as follows:

  • Texas — 47,000 claims
  • Illinois — 41,000
  • New York — 34,000
  • Ohio — 31,000
  • Missouri — 25,000
  • Tennessee — 24,000
  • Indiana — 23,000
  • New Jersey — 23,000
  • Kentucky — 22,000
  • Colorado — 16,000

Heading Off Hail Damage

  • If weather conditions are prime for hail storms, pull cars, boats, RVs, lawn and patio furniture into a covered area.
  • When building or remodeling, consider installing impact resistance roofing to reduce hail damage to your home – State Farm currently offers insurance premium discounts to homes with qualifying impact-resistant roofing products in Alberta and 26 U.S. states.

If You Experience Hail Damage

  • Work with your insurance agent or claims adjustor to fully understand the claims process and how covered repairs will be handled. State Farm customers who have reported a loss can expect to be contacted by a claim representative who will review their policy and explain coverage, outline the claim process, and answer questions.
  • Choose a reputable roofing contractor �
  • If anyone visits your home without an appointment and professes to represent your insurer, ask for identification and contact your insurer to confirm before allowing access.

Hail Resources

About State Farm

State Farm has been serving Canadians since 1938. State Farm and its affiliates are the fourth largest auto insurance provider, and the seventh largest property and casualty insurer in Canada. In addition to providing affordable car insurance rates, State Farm has more than 525 Canadian agents and 1300 employees providing insurance and financial services including mutual funds, life insurance, vehicle loans, critical illness, disability, home and auto insurance to our customers in Ontario, Alberta and New Brunswick. For more information, please visit

SOURCE: State Farm