Solution Brief: What if the customer and agent communication solution you needed was already here?

What if the customer and agent communication solution you needed was already here?

Mar. 12, 2013 – The challenging economic climate has placed a sharp focus on improving operating efficiencies to reduce costs and enable greater agility to drive increased revenue.
Not surprisingly, cheaper, better, faster are today’s marching orders for the worldwide insurance industry.
As if that wasn’t enough pressure, one of the most dramatic and rapid changes in agent and customer behavior is occurring.

The adoption of smartphones and other wireless devices is unprecedented, and the speed of that adoption has been nothing less than stunning.
New channels of engagement appear every month, but the old channels don’t go away.
Not surprisingly, consumer expectations have changed.

Customers want key information when they need it, on-demand and/or delivered in their channel of their preference.
Increasingly, they want it in one or more digital channels, with the ability to respond using those same channels.

The latest version of the Thunderhead NOW software further supports your commitment to opening up new and more interactive channels.
For carriers, this means balancing customer preferences for delivery with the demands of ensuring compliance across all communication channels – both traditional and digital.
So not only is business as usual not acceptable, but technology as usual won’t cut it, either.

It’s critical that insurance carriers have a robust and interactive customer engagement platform to meet the needs of the new, emerging channels – while still getting the most out of traditional print-based routes.

Read the complete solution brief now.


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