Aug., 2012 – The Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA) released its 2011 Automobile Statistical Plan results on its new web site. The statistics analyze auto insurance premiums coverages in the province.
In 2011, the average premium (for material damage only) for a Quebec driver was $536, a 10 percent decrease from the $578 average seen in 2005. What Quebeckers are including in their policy is changing too, found GAA data. In 2001, 87 percent of policyholders opted for civil liability coverage of between $500,000 and $1,000,000. In 2011 it was only 45 percent; the remaining 53 percent of policyholders purchased insurance coverage of between $1 million and $2 million. GAA says the shift explains the greater share of civil liability in the average total premium.
In terms of claim filing, the GAA data shows that claims frequency decreases with age, for both men and women, and this, until the age of 65, when it goes up slightly. Up to age 30, claims frequency remains higher for men than for women. Only as of the age of 30 is claims frequency virtually the same for men and women.
Automobile theft has declined 0.20 percent throughout Quebec.
“This is a 64% drop since 2002. Montreal (central and eastern regions) has the highest rate of vehicle theft (0.48%), followed by Laval, Lanaudi�re and the West Island”, noted Jack Chadirdjian, Director, Public Affairs at Groupement des assureurs automobiles.
It should be noted that the average cost of a theft is higher in outlying regions (Northern Quebec, Abitibi-T�miscamingue and the North Shore), where it totals about $20,000, versus $13,649 for the province as a whole.
To access all of GAA�s 2011 statistical data, click here.