A new partnership between SGI CANADA and Tree Canada will result in the planting of more than 2,600 trees across Saskatchewan.
July 3, 2012 – SGI CANADA, in addition to committing to reduce the amount of paper used by the company, is sponsoring $10,500 for the initiative.
“We all need to be conscious of the effect our business practices have on our environment,” said Andrew Cartmell, President and CEO of SGI CANADA. “Last year, we introduced new technology to allow brokers to access our materials online, and this year, we are further reducing the amount of paper we use by eliminating the paper distribution of our annual rate manuals. These types of initiatives show how small changes can have a huge impact.”
Each November, SGI CANADA’s rate manual distribution constitutes 1.2 million sheets of paper. This year alone, by providing these documents electronically, the company will save the equivalent of 72 trees.
“Many companies are growing aware of the value to society of being greener,” said Michael Rosen, President of Tree Canada. “SGI CANADA has stepped up to the plate in this respect and Tree Canada is very enthusiastic about working with them to plant trees across Saskatchewan.”
Tree Canada provides education, technical assistance, resources and financial support through working partnerships to encourage Canadians to plant and care for trees in rural and urban areas.
The 2,600 trees will be planted in Saskatchewan next spring.
SGI CANADA has been in business for more than 60 years, selling property and casualty insurance in seven Canadian provinces. It operates as SGI CANADA in Saskatchewan; SGI CANADA Insurance Services Limited in Alberta and Manitoba; Coachman Insurance Company in Ontario; and the Insurance Company of Prince Edward Island (ICPEI) in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is the province’s self-sustaining auto insurance fund.
About Tree Canada
Tree Canada is a not-for-profit charitable organization established to encourage Canadians to plant and care for trees in urban and rural environments. A winner of the Canadian Environmental Award (2007), Tree Canada engages Canadian companies, government agencies and individuals to support the planting of trees, the greening of schoolyards, and other efforts to sensitize Canadians to the benefits of planting and maintaining trees. To date, more than 77 million trees have been planted, more than 450 schoolyards have been greened, and Tree Canada has organized 9 national urban forest conferences. More information about Tree Canada is available at www.treecanada.ca.