May 4, 2012 — We are pleased to announce the release of a CCIR position paper entitled The Managing General Agencies (MGAs) Distribution Channel in the Life Insurance Industry for a 60 day consultation period.
This is the second paper from the Agencies Regulation Committee (ARC). ARC’s objective with this position paper is to communicate back to stakeholders what we learned from the consultation on the first paper (an issues paper, entitled Managing General Agencies Life Insurance Distribution Model), and to set out ARC’s recommendations to CCIR members regarding the issues. These recommendations are intended to enhance and harmonize best practices in the MGA distribution channel.
The position paper is available on the CCIR website. CCIR encourages all interested parties to review and comment on the paper. We ask for comments to be submitted by June 30, 2012.
Electronic submissions would be preferred. Please note that CCIR intends to publicly release all submissions received pursuant to this consultation process by posting them on the CCIR web site.
All submissions should be forwarded to the CCIR Secretariat e-mail: [email protected]
About CCIR
The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) is an inter-jurisdictional association of insurance regulators. The mandate of the CCIR is to facilitate and promote an efficient and effective insurance regulatory system in Canada to serve the public interest. We work together to develop solutions to common regulatory issues. More at