PwC Global CEO Study: Sustaining Competitive Relevance – Insurance Industry Summary

May, 2012 – Commitments to doing more business globally are accelerating in 2012 despite economic, regulatory and other uncertainties. CEOs see the fundamentals for future growth still squarely in place.

To understand how businesses are preparing for growth in their priority markets, we surveyed 1,258 CEOs based in 60 different countries and talked to a further 38 CEOs face-to-face for our 15th Annual Global CEO Survey. “Delivering results: Growth and value in a volatile world” explores CEO confidence in prospects, and how they are building local capabilities and creating new networks for new markets.

CEOs are adapting how they go to market, reconfiguring processes, and at times entire operating models. They are also addressing risks that greater integration can amplify and are focused on making talent more strategic to pursue market opportunities.

This is a summary of the findings in the insurance sector, based on interviews with 121 industry leaders in 42 countries. To explore the full results of the PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey, please visit

“The insurance industry should be proud of the way it has dealt with the financial crisis and responded to a number of major recent catastrophes around the world,’ said David Law, Global Insurance Leader at PwC. ‘Yet, few insurers have been able to demonstrate the value they can bring to a changing world in areas ranging from providing effective support for an ageing population to understanding and managing the implications of a more volatile climate. So in addition to grappling with the current economic turmoil, it’s vital that CEOs develop and communicate a clear vision of the future of insurance and the value their businesses will deliver to customers and stakeholders.”

View the insurance summary findings.

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