- Where Insurance & Technology Meet

2011: Goodbye, And Thanks For All The Clicks!

2011:  It’s been quite a year for insurance, technology, people, and this blog, The Intersection.

We’ve had the opportunity to explore different technologies in various parts of the insurance environment.  We’re coming to the conclusion that 2011 will be seen as the year that many organizations made investments in a wide range of new technologies and strategies which will come together and become solid foundations for future success.

However, among all the disparate elements, we found one thing in common: People continue to be the most important element in business, technology, and process (as it should be).

And we thank you for finding us.  We named this ‘The Intersection’ because we wanted it to be a place where insurance and technology crossed.  It was a little lonely at first, but then you started to show up, and we started to get feedback  And we were encouraged. And our traffic increased.

We’re going to be taking a break during this holiday period, and will be back the first week of 2012.  We’ll continue focusing on key topics such as broker connectivity, social media, telematics, and analytics.  We’ll also be featuring previews and background information for presentations coming up at the 10th annual Insurance-Canada Technology Conference in March.

And we’ll look forward to seeing you.  Meantime, we want to thank you for your support of Insurance-Canada and this blog and wish you joy and peace for the holidays, and all the best for 2012.