Alberta Motor Association auto insurance quotes now available through comparison service

Alberta auto insurance shoppers can now get even more insurance quotes using the comparison service with the addition of AMA’s auto insurance product.

TORONTO, Nov. 9 2010 – Auto insurance quotes from AMA Insurance are now available online to Alberta drivers through the auto insurance quote comparison service.

Kanetix has been helping drivers in Alberta shop for auto insurance since 2000. With the addition of AMA Insurance, Alberta shoppers who visit will have even more options when comparing auto insurance quotes.

“Kanetix is excited at the opportunity to introduce our shoppers to AMA Insurance,” said George Small, Co-founder of “AMA Insurance complements our commitment to help Alberta auto insurance consumers find the best priced auto insurance with their competitive offering.”

“We are pleased to be part of the Kanetix comparison service,” said Robert Katzell, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of AMA Insurance. “We look forward to showing Alberta drivers that we are committed to taking good care of them with our competitive pricing and exceptional customer service.”

The free service offers Alberta drivers an opportunity to compare auto insurance quotes from a variety of insurance providers, including AMA Insurance. With just one visit to, auto insurance consumers can view auto insurance quotes in an easy-to-read chart, and connect with the auto insurance provider, in minutes.

About Kanetix®

Launched in October 1999, Kanetix is Canada’s leading national, online insurance, mortgage and credit card marketplace. The Kanetix comparison shopping service brings together insurance, mortgage and credit card providers in a one-stop shopping environment for consumers looking to save money. Each day, thousands of consumers visit the Kanetix website at to compare not only insurance and mortgage quotes but also credit cards from a variety of Canadian financial product suppliers. Users select the product of their choice, obtain a quotation and complete an online application or, with the help of Kanetix, connect with the provider to purchase or apply for the product over the phone.

About AMA

The Alberta Motor Association (AMA) is the largest membership organization in Alberta, representing more than 901,000 members. As a leading advocate for traffic safety, travel and consumer protection, crime prevention, and the environment, AMA represents the interests of its members and the motoring public to industry and all levels of government. Visit to learn more about AMA’s products, services and member advocacy initiatives.

For more information about Kanetix, visit

For more information about AMA Insurance, visit