- Where Insurance & Technology Meet

Social Media & Insurance Best Practices – New ACT Report

A new report from the  Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America, IIABA, provides practical insight on effectively using Social Media for insurance sales and Service.

ACT  is a subgroup of IIABA set up to bring independent agents/brokers together with insurance carriers and vendors to explore areas of common interest.  Thanks to dedicated staff and volunteers, ACT produces some excellent work, and the recent report on  Agency Website and Social Media “Best Practices” is no exception.

It was compiled from a round table discussion of practitioners last fall.   The facilitator and recorder was Rick Morgan, a well respected consultant with four decades of experience in innovative use of technology.

Although there is a bias towards the independent broker community (as should be expected) there are practical tips for any organization on Social Media.  The report contains point form recommendations on the use of Blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.  It also includes comments on ‘Biggest Mistakes’.   There is a section on ‘Getting Started’ with Social Media which could be serve as agenda for a management or staff meeting on social media strategy.

It seems that although Canada is well ahead of the US in some technology utilization, we may behind in social media use in the insurance community.  This report is a gift of experiences and worth the time to read.

Rick Morgan will be discussing the use of Social Media at the 2011 ICTC on February 28, in Toronto.