It seems that more and more organizations are putting on mergers and acquisition seminars for insurance brokers. However, none truly address the practical issues buyers and sellers must deal with during a transaction. Blending real-life issues and examples with a comprehensive outline of the challenges faced when closing a deal this seminar will prepare you like no other in buying or selling a brokerage.
John Belyea starts the seminar with a comprehensive case study examining two similar, but different, insurance brokerages that will provide you with:
- Critical insight into the factors, both financial and operational, that have the greatest impact on valuation
- The actions you must take now to prepare your brokerage for sale
- A clear understanding on the proper approach to understanding and determining an appropriate valuation
Greg Purdy and Michelle Cole-Kennedy bring their years of experience and insight to the Mergers and Acquisitions process; highlighting;
- Finding the right match for your business
- How to prepare an offer to purchase
- How to integrate business operations
- The role of technology
November 3, 2010
Time 9:00am – 12:00pm
Registration 8:15am
Place: Cawthra Estates
Cost $200.00
For more information, call 416-214-4284
About Pathway Partners
At Pathway Partners we work with our clients to make them more successful by increasing their return on their automation expenditures. We demonstrate to insurance brokers how to manage their technology, increase efficiency, establish performance metrics, and effectively follow-up on daily activities. Visit
About Belyea Consulting Group
Consulting services – strategic planning, mergers & acquisitions advice and operations audits – to property and casualty insurance companies and insurance brokerages.